July Book Club and Focus

Hello friends!

Are you ready to kick off July with our book choice for the month?! 🎉

We’ve been reading some great books this year and I’m excited to add another amazing one to our list! Check out all the details below:

July Focus: Grumpy Mom

There’s no denying motherhood is hard – amazing, but hard. Just last night I thought “there is nothing about motherhood that is what I expected.” A big part of that expectation were the ones I had for myself. I thought I would be the happy carefree Mom, pushing kiddos on the swings, cheering them on from the sidelines as they made a winning goal or even as they just looked like they were having a blast out on the field, sitting down to dinner as a family every night, going swimming, you know the things that make into your scrapbook and your social media feed. Somehow I didn’t think too much about the tantrums, anger, dishes and laundry, the sleepless nights and exhaustion. I didn’t think about the fact that my kids would have their own special personalities and likes and dislikes. That they would be strong willed and not just follow along obediently just because I told them to. It’s like they say “You’re a perfect parent until you have kids of your own!” With all the non-stop, relentless actions of motherhood, it’s no wonder we can delve into Grumpy Mom on the daily. I’m sure you’re familiar with Grumpy Mom. You probably don’t like her either but you find yourself being her and wondering where the happy carefree Mom of your dreams went. I’ve been Grumpy Mom way more times than I’d like to admit! This month we are delving into motherhood and discovering more joy in our motherhood adventure. I think we all want to send Grumpy Mom packing, so let’s dive in!

July Book Choice:

This month we are reading “Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday: Say Goodbye to Stressed, Tired, Anxious, and Say Hello to Renewed Joy in Motherhood” by Valerie Woerner. Valerie is a mother, author, and founder of Val Marie Paper. In this book, Val will help us address misconceptions about motherhood and how its affecting us. She will share her own stories of how to sending Grumpy Mom packing and find the joy in motherhood. There is hope that we can move out of survival mode and Grumpy Mom life! At the end of each chapter there are action steps, a key verse, and a prayer. Check out her website for a quiz, encouragement, and freebies! I hope you’ll join in this month and let’s find more joy and less grump in motherhood!


*Purchase your copy of “Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday: Say Goodbye to Stressed, Tired, Anxious, and Say Hello to Renewed Joy in Motherhood” by Valerie Woerner. We do it super simple here with one month to read the book at your own pace.

*Join us on the blog Friday, July 28th for the discussion questions to share your answers.


Memory Verse:

Two verses came to mind for this month. Choose one (or both!) to memorize 🙂

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

John 10:10


“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those who have young.”

Isaiah 40:11

Have a great month, friends! Happy reading! 🙂