April Book Club and Focus

Hi friends! It’s time to kick off April with our book club choice and focus! Here are the details:

Focus: April Showers

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is when Jesus and the disciples are in the boat crossing the Sea of Galilee when a storm arises (Mark 4:35-5:1). I’ve always loved the relatability of the disciples at this moment. Though they were seasoned fishermen and knew what it was like to encounter difficulties on the sea they were afraid. Did God not care? Was He going to let them die? Didn’t He tell them to come this way? Oh man, I’ve felt that way too and had those same questions! Jesus (who had been sleeping) wakes, speaks to the storm, and the winds and waves obey Him. I love that story because in our lives it’s not a matter of if the storm will come but when. I admit I’ve often questioned God and wondered why I’ve had to endure such hard times. Why do the storms come and why does it feel like I’m drowning? Is there a way to weather the storms that come into our lives? Are there anchors that can hold us while the storm rages? This month we are going to dive into all of these questions and know that though we aren’t exempt from storms (no one is), we can learn to weather them well.

Book Choice:

This month we are reading “Help, I’m Drowning: Weathering the Storms of Life with Grace and Hope” by Sally Clarkson. Sally is a well-known author and she takes us by the hand through the various storms that took her by surprise in life and points to the hope and grace we have in Jesus. Sally is full of wisdom and has been writing and walking with the Lord for decades. She will help us to know we are not alone in what we are going through, and shares the anchor points that held her steady in her seven decades of life as she weathered her own storms. There may not be a formula for how to get through the difficulties of life as we are blown about and know we are not alone because we have an Anchor who is strong and secure.


*Purchase your copy of “Help I’m Drowning: Weathering the Storms of Life with Grace and Hope” by Sally Clarkson as soon as possible so you can begin reading. We read at our own pace, one book a month and answer discussion questions at the end of the month.

*Join us on Friday, April 28th back here on the blog for the discussion questions. You can always comment or ask questions throughout the month too!


Verse of the Month:

Our verse to memorize in April:

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 ESV

Apologies for missing March’s verse! 🙈

Happy reading, friends! I think this is going to be a helpful and encouraging one for us!