Book Club – “I Give Up” (Week One)

Part One: Surrender…Who Me?

*Can you think of any areas in your life where you are struggling to give up control and surrender them to the Lord?

A Life Beyond Control

*Laura shares the quick synopsis of the big struggles she and her family went through. She says that it actually might be easier to surrender in the big struggles. Do you find that this is true? Is it the smaller daily struggles that seem to be more difficult to surrender? Why do you think that might be?

*“Not just in the losses but even in the victories, surrender is the secret to a life of joy” (pg. 19). Do you agree with this? Why or why not?

Dear God: Let’s Be Co-Rulers. Love, Me

*Do you allow your circumstances to dictate your understanding of God or do you allow God to dictate your understanding of your circumstances?

*Are there areas of your life where you feel that you could do a better job at ruling? Are there some areas that are easier to surrender to God?

*The author gives five steps to put in place when the battle for control begins (pg.31):

  • I acknowledge the struggle
  • I confess my strong desire to be in charge, and I name my fear of not being in charge
  • I admit that my emotions do not always tell me the truth about my circumstances or about my God
  • I search God’s Word for truth and keep it always before me
  • I remind myself of God’s faithfulness to his children throughout history and of his faithfulness to me

What step do you need to work on?

Scripture of the Week

Romans 12:1-2

Ephesians 2:8-9

Psalm 1:1-3

Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer of the Week

Father God, we want to surrender. Help us to surrender control of our lives to You. You know the full picture of our life and we do not. Help us to take ourselves off the throne and let You reign there unrivaled by anyone or anything. Help us to notice the times we are wrestling You for control and help us to release our hold. Remind us of Your faithfulness and encourage us during these next few weeks. Thank You for loving us so much. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

For Next Week

*Read Part Two: Who Do I Surrender To?

One thought on “Book Club – “I Give Up” (Week One)

  1. This statement needs to be before me pretty much all the time šŸ˜†: ā€œBeing a woman who is absolutely in control of her own life is not a goal I need to aspire to.ā€ (Page 20)
    Being in control is an illusion that we all still end up falling for in some way or another. I personally struggle to give up control and surrender to God in three areas: marriage, finances, and parenting.
    I have my ideas on how things should go in these areas, but as we know reality usually isnā€™t the same. šŸ™ƒ Specifically with marriage and parenting, itā€™s not just what I want that matters – so my trying to control things really canā€™t workā€¦.and yet I try so hard to ā€œmake things happen.ā€
    I do agree with the author that the ā€œbigā€ struggles are often easier to surrender – but even that depends on what each of us considers a big struggle. For me, health is one of those big categories, and I find it easy to trust God because I recognize how my health isnā€™t something I can ultimately control – even if Iā€™m ā€œdoing everything right.ā€
    When we donā€™t feel we have control, we donā€™t feel peace (at least thatā€™s how it goes with me). But I also agree with the author that if we surrender, this will give us joy. Iā€™m learning more and more when I feel in control it leads not necessarily to peace (like I thought) but rather happiness – which is fleeting and determined by circumstances. So, by recognizing I donā€™t have (shouldnā€™t have) control, and letting God take over, I find Iā€™m able to experience joy rather than happiness because my situation may still be the same but able to know Godā€™s still got meā€¦instead of me thinking Iā€™ve got myself. šŸ™ƒ
    Co-ruling with God sadly has been my mentality – I just didnā€™t really have a name for it until recently. I need to get out of the driverā€™s seatā€¦
    The two steps I need to work on which I think will help me release control and surrender are:
    -admitting my emotions donā€™t always tell the truth of my circumstances or God
    -remind myself of Godā€™s faithfulness to me
    Waving the white flag isnā€™t a sign of weakness. It means we need help. We have help in Christ, and itā€™s so sad that so much of the time we know this, but still are too proud to ask for it. Iā€™m learning Heā€™s here to help us, but also isnā€™t going to just swoop in without our permission. Yes, He changes our hearts (is the Only One who can), but we need to want to allow Him to change us. Heā€™s patient and always ready. Heā€™s waiting for us to raise that white banner and start moving it back and forth so He can help.

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