
This is it, my friends! The start of this little blog that I’ve held near to my heart. Back to school time seems like a great time to (finally!) begin. Maybe it’s the freshly sharpened pencils or the new school clothes but this time of year always feels like the time to start something new, so what better time than now to begin this journey?!

I’m excited for this new journey and I’m nervous too. (I mean, will these words even matter? Will I ever learn all the technical stuff??) But yet, here I am. These first steps were full of excitement and I have so many ideas and plans about where to go from here. I pray you’ll join me! I pray you’ll interact here too-comment, shoot me an email, suggest a topic you want to hear about, or request prayer.

I’ve already begun praying for you, for you who read these words, for all of you will engage in this space and those who will read and not interact (I see you! That’s exactly what I would’ve done!) but feel connected nonetheless, I’m thankful for all of you and I am committed to sharing in this space. I truly hope to “keep it real” but not wallow in the hardships or the Hot Mess moments because Jesus is more than adequate to get us through and grant us peace and joy through it all! I mean, there is sweet tea and baby giggles, and sunsets and Netflix. Life is pretty good, right? But I totally understand it can be full of heartache too. That’s the balance I hope to find in this space-being real about the hard things, being sensitive to the heartache and struggle, and having fun with all the good stuff and making room for even more joy.

My plan is to post about three times a week: we’ll look into God’s Word and learn from it, we’ll have some personal reflection and some fun things as well. So, please be patient as I learn (and please keep coming back)! Here’s a little bit about me and let me know a little about you as well!

Thank you for reading and I’m so glad you’re here!






3 thoughts on “Hello!

  1. Proud of you for undertaking this. My the Lord bless you as you go forward and nay His blessing be on those you help.

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