May Focus, Book Club, and Challenge

How is it going to be May already?! I can’t believe summer is almost upon us and that we are going into our fifth month in our Book Club! I’m so happy you are here and I think this month is going to be a very powerful one.

Here are the all the details for May:

Focus: Spiritual Warfare

I know we’re diving deep by tackling the topic of spiritual warfare and I hope you’ll stick with me. You might be thinking you don’t have time to think about hell and demons and spiritual warfare; you’re just trying to live your life and accomplish your to-do list for the day before collapsing in bed for the night. What does spiritual warfare have to do with our daily lives? We’ve heard that “we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with the principalities of the air” and that we have victory in Christ but how do we actually play this out in our real life? We know we have a real Enemy that wants to destroy us but how do we fight against him? Can we live without discouragement and despair? Are the challenges around us actually spiritual issues? This month we are going to answer these questions and discuss spiritual warfare. There are ways that we can help ourselves and those we love by using what God has given us to fight back. Let’s pick up our weapons, take our position on the battlefield and fight!

Challenge: Pray.

Book Choice: “A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare: How to Protect Your Home, Family and Friends from Spiritual Darkness” by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock (revised version)

Bonus: Printable scriptures for your prayer journal/closet.


The challenge this month is to pray. Use the prayers in this month’s book or say your own, but spend some intentional time in prayer. I know life gets busy and we find ourselves sending up quick prayers throughout our day, but this month I challenge you to find some time to focus on prayer. Get in that prayer closet or pull out your prayer journal and talk to God. Pray against the darkness and pray knowing God hears you. You can find printable scriptures to help you in your prayer battle HERE.

Book Club:

This month we are reading “A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare: How to Protect Your Home, Family and Friends from Spiritual Darkness” by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock. This book will walk us through biblical guidelines, practical steps and encourage us with stories from other women who have stood on the battlefield and fought for victory. I think we all feel this sense that there is more going on in our world than we can see with our physical eyes; we know there is a spiritual battle happening and we can, in Christ’s authority, fight against it. I pray we will draw closer to Christ through this and find a refuge in Him.


*Purchase your copy of “A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare” (the revised edition) by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock.

*Join us on the blog to discuss the week’s reading. The discussion questions will be up on Fridays. The first week’s questions will be on Friday, March 6th.

*Share your answers. Comment with what you’re learning or share your favorite quotes from the book!

Hope you’ll join in!