October Focus, Book Club, and Challenge

Hello Book Club friends! It’s almost October and time to announce our book club choice, focus, and challenge! 🎉

October Focus: The Holy Spirit

I think Francis Chan hit the nail on the head when he described the Holy Spirit as “the forgotten God.” It seems like as believers we are a bit confused about Him. We seem to either want to overemphasize what the Spirit does or ignore Him completely. This month we are going to focus on the Holy Spirit and learn more about Him. My hope is that we come away with a better understanding of who He is, what He does, and how that affects our lives.

October Challenge: Check out these prompts and journal through them this month.

October Book Choice: “Don’t Miss Out: Daring to Believe Life is Better with the Holy Spirit” by Jeannie Cunnion

October Bonus: Printable journal prompts. Get them HERE.

October Challenge:

As you read and ponder the Holy Spirit this month, take time to journal your thoughts. Often it’s easy to misunderstand the Spirit and His role in our lives. Or there may be misconceptions we didn’t realize we had about the Holy Spirit. Take some time to work through your thoughts on Him. To get you started, I’ve created a free printable with some questions to process and journal through. Download your prompts HERE.

October Book Club:

This month we will be reading “Don’t Miss Out: Daring to Believe Life is Better with the Holy Spirit” by Jeannie Cunnion. If you feel like you are missing something in your spiritual walk, have always wondered about the Spirit’s role in a Christian’s life, or wondered why you feel you have to power through life in your own strength this book is for you. Jeannie spends the first half of the book discussing who the Holy Spirit is and the benefit that He brings to our lives – He is our advantage, our help, etc. In the latter half of the book, she gives a more practical guide of life in the Spirit. Jeannie is an author and blogger and shares through her story an honest telling of struggling to understand the Spirit. She breaks it down for us in truth that is grounded is the Word and good theology. I am super excited to read through this book and understand the Holy Spirit better and I know we will come away changed!


*Purchase your copy of “Don’t Miss Out: Daring to Believe Life is Better with the Holy Spirit” by Jeannie Cunnion so you can begin reading.

*We are reading at our own pace this month and I will post the discussion questions on Friday, October 28th so you can comment with what you’re taking away from “Don’t Miss Out.” I think it’s going to be a great discussion!

*In the meantime you can post photos of yourself reading or favorite quotes or takeaways from the book in our Facebook group!