Pastor Appreciation Ideas

Did you know that October 8th is Pastor Appreciation Day?  Woot! Woot!

We are so blessed to have a dynamic duo husband and wife team leading our church! They are simply amazing and go so far above and beyond the call of duty. They pray for us, text us, encourage us, counsel us, preach and teach the Word to us. They presided over our marriage ceremony and the dedication service of our son. They visited us in the hospital, they’ve brought us food, taken us out for lunch, gone bowling with us, and prayed and prayed and prayed for us. So, obviously, I think they deserve all the appreciation in the world (and lots of fabulous vacations!) and I so hope they feel appreciated and loved, especially on this day 🙂

Here are a few fun gift ideas to do yourself or gather together as a church and do:

If your pastor is a fan of cake, you have to check this out!

Great list of gift ideas here!

Love numbers 8, 12 and 15 here!

Actually, the entire month of October is dedicated to appreciating our pastors. We don’t know all the ways they serve us and all that do on our behalf. Here are a ten ideas on how to show appreciation all month long:

  1. First and foremost, pray for them.
  2. Invite them out to lunch.
  3. Really listen to their sermons, take notes, ask questions, and show them someone was listening and engaged.
  4. Provide encouragement. Maybe a nice thank you card, a calendar of verses or encouraging quotes, a quick text or call to say you appreciate them, a shout out on your social media or even your local radio station!
  5. Purchase a coffee gift card or to a local cafe and surprise them with it.
  6. Speak well of them and the church. Seriously, just don’t bash or gossip about them or the church. Just don’t do it.
  7. Find out what their favorites are (favorite food, candybar, drink, store, activity, etc.) and buy accordingly.
  8. Send a quick text letting them know you’ve just prayed for them or a Bible verse to encourage. We never know what they are facing each day and when they might need a pick me up!
  9. Give them a break! Ask how you can serve them and then follow through.
  10. Just say the words: “Thank you.” “I appreciate you.” “You are amazing.” And really mean it 😉

Any ideas you’d add to the list? Do you have any plans to celebrate your pastor on October 8th?