Prayers for My Kindergartener

My son started Kindergarten today.

I’ve had all the feels about him going to Kindergarten. Thinking about him going to school has made all the questions arise: Will he listen to his teacher? Will he be able to sit still in class? Will he make friends? Will he enjoy learning or will he struggle? So many questions I haven’t had answers to and worry about what they will be. The anxiety has been real!

I know it’s just the first of many times I’ll be letting him go and praying for him as he does 🙏

Self Control

Lord, help him to practice self-control when he wants to act up. I know sitting in class will be new to him and I pray he will be able to practice self-control and not disrupt the lessons. You have given us a spirit of self-control and the Holy Spirit helps develop this in our lives. Help this to grow and produce good fruit in his life. When he wants to act impulsively help him to reign it in and be self controlled. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Father God, help him to show kindness to his teacher and to his classmates. Help him not to micromanage their playtime or boss them around. Help him to share and extend friendship to others. He longs for friends but he is not really accustomed to being around other kids. Help him to know he’s not the boss and he can work with other kids and play with others fairly and kindly. Help him to do what’s right and to be the one who extends kindness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Listening Ear

Lord, help him to be able to focus and listen to the teacher and the directions. Help him to be able to follow the directions and have an open ear to listen. We know that the wise listen to advice. Help him to be wise and not get ahead of himself. When he interacts with his classmates, help him to listen to them and show friendship and not talk over them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Lord, help him to have courage especially on the first day. You are with Him and I pray he knows this and understands it. Help him to move forward even if he feels scared and to be proud of himself for doing things even if he feels afraid. Encourage him and comfort him in his fear and help him to have courage. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Father God, things may not go the way he wants today (or any other day) but you knew we would have troubles in this world. Help him to know that You are with him and You are his strength. Help him to not crumble under a bad day or even a bad moment. Help him to withstand whatever happens in that classroom in Your strength. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Father God, help him to have a good attitude about school in general, about his teacher, and about learning. Help him not to have a bad attitude towards schoolwork or authority. Help him to be joyful in attitude and enthusiastic about learning and being a good student. Help him not to be oppositional or defiant. Give him a peaceful and loving attitude towards his classroom, all the students and teachers. In Jesus’ name, Amen

I’m so thankful we can cast all our cares onto the One who cares for us! He is listening and He is in control!

How are you praying for your kiddos this year?