Share Four Somethings – May 2021

Hi friends! I hope you’ve had a great month so far! It’s flown by for me. I feel like so much has been packed into these few weeks! Lots of good things (celebrations and fun things) and also lots of things checked off the list! I’m linking up again with Heather for the monthly Share Four Somethings: something loved, read/said, treasured, and ahead.

Something Loved

These were a game changer! They were introduced to me by a friend of a friend when I was dealing with a migraine. I think they really helped the migraine fade. I bought a pack right away and introduced them to my husband who loves them. He works outdoors so they’ve been super helpful in keeping him hydrated as it’s getting warmer out.

Something Read/Said

The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen was a mystery/thriller that wasn’t an ordinary story. At first it seems like it’s just a jealous ex-wife and a new wife to be but it’s definitely more than that and not in a way that I was expecting. Probably will be in my top 10 of this year!

You’re Not Enough (& That’s Okay) by Allie Beth Stuckey is a honest and straightforward look at the self-love culture and how it’s more harmful than helpful. Really eye-opening and made so much sense! If we are the problem, we can’t also be the solution! She points us to the One who is the solution: Jesus and how He is enough.

Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty was interesting. The characters kept me hooked because they were so well-written and fleshed out. I had loved Big Little Lies by Liane so I figured this would be another good read and I wasn’t disappointed!

Something Treasured

  • Girls day out with my mom and sister. We had brunch, did some shopping, then had some time to chat over coffee. It was just nice to sit and chat and enjoy some retail therapy! We were even able to try on clothes in an actual dressing room!
  • Celebrating my sweet friend who got married this month. She had a small ceremony with just family but we were able to get together for a small bachelorette weekend. We had the most amazing dinner out and laughed so hard giving her fun gifts.
  • Celebrating my Mom’s 60th birthday! We made a slideshow thanking her for all she’s done for all of us. We sat around as a family to watch and then reminisced about the years. It’s amazing how fast time flies. Sometimes it seems so hectic and chaotic but then looking back it makes you want to live eyes wide open and not miss a single thing.

Something Ahead

  • Celebrating my 40th birthday
  • A little getaway with my husband – so excited!
  • Celebrating Father’s Day
  • Looking forward to this new decade…Last year was tough and I had a lot of anxiety about getting older but now as it’s here I feel ready to embrace this new decade and all that it has in store!

Thanks for reading, friends! Have a great rest of May and a wonderful June! 🙂

8 thoughts on “Share Four Somethings – May 2021

  1. Happy birthday to your mama. I love that idea of a slideshow:) And happy early wishes to you as well! Hooray for a new decade – surely the Lord has much in store!!

  2. Happy 40th next month! Are you doing something special to celebrate?

    I’ve read and also enjoyed your two fiction reads. Haven’t read the nonfiction but it sounds like it’d be something I’d find useful.

    1. Thank you Megan! My husband and I are going on a weekend getaway to celebrate my birthday so I’m super excited 🙂

  3. Happy early birthday to you, Jennifer! If I had to come up with one word to describe my 40s, it would have to be “full.” Those years were hard but good in so many ways. Many blessings to you as you embark on this new decade of life! I loved Allie Beth Stuckey’s book too … got a copy for my college girl too, it was that good!

    1. Thank you Lois! 🙂 Allie’s book was so good- one I’ll definitely go back to as needed for sure!

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