When Things Are Falling Apart

We’ve all been there.

When the world as we know it falls apart. We received the phone call, the diagnosis, the “It’s not you, it’s me.” Doors slammed in our faces, people telling us it’s impossible, it’ll never work.

We’re led to where we believe God wants us to be, only to find a place of suffering, a place we would never have knowingly gone.

What do we do when things are falling apart?

Our Part

In Acts 16:16-35, Paul and Silas give us an example.

They had commanded a spirit out of a girl who kept following them around. With the spirit she had been able to tell the future and therefore, make money for her masters. With the spirit gone the girl no longer had the ability to make money for her masters and they became angry. Because of their accusations, Paul and Silas were beaten and put into prison.

Now this is when it would begin to feel that everything was falling apart. They were simply trying to do what the Lord wanted them to do. And now they are not free. They’ve been hurt. They are in need. Any yet…yet verse 25 tells us, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.”

Wait. What?

They were praying and singing and the others were listening.


First of all, it was midnight. It was late. It was the middle of the night. There was probably no hope of a last minute save before the jails closed for the night.

Isn’t that how it can feel? It’s too late for us. Well, no one can help me now. I’m just stuck here. The prison walls close in around us and it seems like there will be nothing but panic or fear.


But that’s not all that’s left for us. When we’re faced with an impossible situation, with something that is fearful, and in all reality should cause us to panic, do we have to give in to that fear, that anxiety? Or can we open our mouths and pray? And not only pray but praise.

“God this seems impossible to me and I’m scared. But I trust You. I hope in You.”

Are you praying or panicking, friend?

This is our part. We pray and we praise. And you know what? Perhaps others will listen.

The other prisoners were listening to Paul and Silas during this time. Can you imagine that? A rowdy prison cell compelled to silence by the prayers and praises of two men? Why did they listen? Most likely, because they had never heard this before.

In all likelihood, they were used to hearing anger voiced, pleas to be left alone or else, violence and heartache- not prayers and praise.

Friends, we never know who is listening to our story. We never know who reads our Facebook or Instagram posts and wants to know what we’re going to do. We inform them of our situation and do we update them with stories of how terrible things are all the time, or do we give praise to God?

God’s Part

In verse 26, it tells that suddenly there was a violent earthquake and the prison doors flew open and everyone’s chains were loosened.

Did you catch that? Suddenly. That means in the midst of praying. There wasn’t a pause. A countdown leading up to the big earthquake. It took them by surprise. It was without warning. Can you imagine? Imagine the surprise when everyone’s chains were freed and the prison doors were opened so that anyone could walk through.

Anyone. Even us.

Even if we’ve messed up and got ourselves into the situation we’re in.

Even if we believe we deserve the consequence, the diagnosis, the break up.

Even if we don’t believe we are worthy of freedom, of our chains being broken, of being released.

Even if everything is falling apart, we can still have everything together. Colossians 1:17 tells us “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (emphasis mine).

Friends, we all have those sleepless nights and anxious situations that seem like they’ll get the better of us. Situations that we honestly can’t do anything about. But Jesus can do something and we can trust that He will. Put your focus on Him. Focus on how much He loves you. Think on Him. Think about His attributes. Meditate on Scripture. Write a scripture and hang it by your bedside or Google your favorite verse, screenshot it and have it on your phone to look at. Whatever you can do to keep your focus on Him and not on your fears. Pray for peace so that you can clearly focus on Him and His Word, instead of what’s going on around you.

A few months ago, my family had a financial situation that seemed completely overwhelming. Our tax refund (through no mistake of our own) had direct deposited into someone else’s account! It was the largest refund we’d ever been promised and here it was sitting in someone else’s pocket. From Google and talking to others, it seemed like all hope was lost. We were just going to be out the money and never be able to get it back – unless we wanted to go to court, etc. Let me tell you I was stressing! I was up and out of bed, sleepless, my thoughts were all over the place, there were tears and lots of “I don’t know what to do!” being said. I couldn’t even think straight; I was just so worried and felt betrayed, like they had reached directly into our pockets and taken the money. I prayed that God would give me peace so I would know what to do, admitted we were facing a giant of a situation and it could only be remedied in His strength. He would have to work it out for us and I just prayed that I would have peace and a clear mind so that we would be able to hear what we were to do. And praise God He totally worked it out! It was just so clearly Him working that it was amazing to be a part of it.

Friends, I hope whatever situation you are facing right now that you are able to share your anxious thoughts with Him. If you’re afraid, He wants you to talk to Him about it. If you’re mad or upset, He wants to know that, too. He can handle it! Talk to Him-He’s up all night anyway and He’s ready to listen.