2021 Prayer Guide (Part 2)

Hi friends! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying some time to reflect on this year and dream about the future.

This prayer guide will serve to help you do a little bit of both of those things. We will look back on the second half of the year’s book club themes and spend some time in prayer and in God’s Word. The prayer guide also includes an action point for each day and these actions and themes are such that we can carry them into the new year as well. It covers six days, one theme per day – surrender, prayer, discernment, fear and courage, food and faith, and Christmas. There is really no set time or schedule to finish this guide but rather my hope is it acts a tool to help you reflect and move forward in these areas.

Each day is listed below and there is also a printable to download HERE.

Day 1: Surrender

Read: 2 Corinthians 12:17-21; Romans 5:8

Pray: Pray that God would help you to see the areas of your life that you need to surrender to Him.

Do: If you haven’t done so yet, write a prayer of surrender to Him.

Day 2: Prayer

Read: Daniel 10:12-13; Ephesians 6:10-11

Pray: Ask God for a desire to talk with Him every day. Pray the armor of God on yourself every day.

Do: Choose one of the verses from today, write it down and place where you can see it regularly.

Day 3: Discernment

Read: Ephesians 2:8-9; Proverbs 3:5-6

Pray: As you go about your day, pray for discernment.

Do: Write down three good things that you see today.

Day 4: Courage and Fear

Read: Psalm 56:3; Proverbs 1:7

Pray: Ask God to help you have the proper reverence of Him.

Do: Take off your shoes and sit before Him. Journal, pray, and worship Him.

Day 5: Food and Faith

Read: Matthew 6:11; Psalm 34:8

Pray: Thank God for the satisfaction and fullness we receive from Him.

Do: Share a meal with your loved ones at the dinner table. Turn off all screens and enjoy the time around the table together. If you can, prep the meal together beforehand as well.

Day 6: Christmas

Read: Luke 2; Matthew 2:1-12; 2 Corinthians 9:15

Pray: Thank God for the gift of Jesus and ask Him for help to keep the spirit of Christmas in your heart year-round.

Do: As you put away your Christmas gifts, remind yourself of the true gift we receive at Christmas that never leaves us – Jesus.

***Don’t forget your FREE prayer guide HERE!***