3 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Easter

Everyone seems to talk about how busy the Christmas season is, but it sure seems like the weeks leading up to Easter can get pretty busy as well! I know that I can get distracted by preparing Easter baskets and getting caught up in activities and busy things.

Easter is the time to focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus and what that did for us. Let’s spend these few weeks leading up to Easter preparing our hearts rather than by being distracted. Let’s not miss the poignancy of this great season!

3 Ways You Can Prepare Your Heart for Easter:

Search Your Heart

One thing I love about this season, is that it’s often a time that I really start thinking on the condition of my heart. Not my physical heart, but my spiritual heart. The attitudes I have, whether true contriteness and love are in supply, and whether I am seeking God with all of my heart.

Psalm 139:23-24 is a perfect prayer to offer during this time of reflection:

“Search me, God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

King David asked this of the Lord and it is a great place for us to start as well. Some questions we can ask ourselves can also be: What is my attitude like lately? Do my thoughts and actions line up with scripture? Has God asked me to obey Him in a certain action or area and I haven’t done so? Am I consuming entertainment with my eyes or ears that wouldn’t be pleasing to God?

Really spend some time with God, asking Him to reveal to you the answers to these questions and the condition of your heart. Keep a journal handy and write down whatever comes to mind. This shouldn’t be a fear based exercise, friends. I have found that in those times I’ve been fearful or ashamed to come to the Lord in this way, He has always been oh so gentle with me. I know He will be with you, too.

Praise and Worship

We don’t hear about Easter songs as much as we do Christmas songs, but it’s such a great time to worship, isn’t it? I find that worship music helps me focus my mind on what is true and good (Philippians 4:8). This season can be a great time to really get your worship on! Why not create an Easter playlist of your favorite gospel centered worship songs (or use the playlist I’ve created below)?

Here are a few of my favorite songs that focus on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and all that means for us. I hope you enjoy them! I’ve been listening to them on Youtube but you could create your own Spotify playlist as well.

Show Love to Others

With so many difficult things going on in our world today, it can seem so overwhelming. We may wonder if our little acts of kindness and love even make any difference at all. But, I believe they do. I believe loving your family, friends, and neighbors and showing love to them makes all the difference! Jesus told us to love our neighbor as ourselves and paying kindness forward is a brick by brick process of building the Kingdom of Heaven right here on Earth. No small act of kindness is ever wasted and like Mother Theresa said, “In this life we cannot always do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” Jesus committed the greatest act of love for us on Easter and we can each pay that forward with love and kindness to our neighbor.

Here are some totally doable Easter related random acts of kindness that we can do this month (and beyond!). Screenshot the pic below to help remind you as you go about your day. You might just bring a smile to a fellow human and make his or her day!

Is there a favorite worship song that you have? Please leave it in the comments to share with others to add to their list!

Have you ever had a Random Act of Kindness done to you? I’ve had my coffee paid for by the person ahead of me in the drive-thru and it was so sweet and made me smile all day (I still smile thinking of it now!). Share in the comments if you’ve had a similar experience or if you’ve committed a RAOK (random act of kindness) of your own!