Book Club – “The Women of Easter” (Week 2)

Happy Friday! Yay for making it to Friday and I hope you’ve had a great week!

Let’s dive into this week’s discussion questions:

Chapter 3: I Still Would Choose the Better Part

And fathom this: we were the joy set before Him, beloved. We’re the reasons for this season of grace. However dark the days ahead, the Lord never lost sight of His goal: our redemption.” How does this make you feel to know that you were the joy set before Him and were on the mind of Jesus during this time?

*Mary’s expression of worship was a public and costly one. What do you think was going through Mary’s mind at the time? Are you surprised that the others there didn’t understand this offering? Can you recall times in your life where you may have been hesitant to pour out offering to Jesus because of fear of what others might interpret about you?

Chapter 4: With Palms Before Thee

*As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, the crowd gathered round and were caught up in His presence. They were moved to worship Him. What are some qualities about Jesus that move you to worship Him?

*In your opinion, why was it important that Jesus turn over the tables himself (rather than have the disciples do it, for example)?

Scripture of the Week

Mark 14:3-9

Psalm 27:14

Prayer of the Week

Father God, thank You for thinking of us. Thank You that our redemption was paid. We know the cost was so great and we long to honor and worship You no matter the cost. Help us to be women of worship, who know that all we have is Yours, and all we can do is offer it back to You. Everything is grace and we praise You and thank You for it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

For Next Week

*Read Chapters 5-6

2 thoughts on “Book Club – “The Women of Easter” (Week 2)

  1. I keep thinking about the verse “…for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross…”
    (Hebrews 12:2)
    Understanding we are, I am, that joy set before Him really helps me consider the worth I actually have. It’s so different from the value I place upon myself or that others place upon me. Naturally, we devalue ourselves, criticize each other, and always think we could be – should be – more. And yet God values us. As. We. Are.
    “This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” (1 John 4:10)

    If I’m God’s joy, then why don’t I feel that way so much of the time? Maybe because He’s not the joy set before me so much of the time…

    Mary of Bethany seemed to recognize that her true value and joy came from outside of herself. This is something we all struggle with one way or another: leaning on our own strength to conjure up worth and/or joy. But we can’t buy it – we, in fact, are the ones who were bought with an extraordinary price:
    “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all people.” (1 Timothy 2:5-6)

    It would make sense then, that because Mary truly knew her worth, she could not only feel the joy but also live that joy out through worship (e.g., sitting before Jesus and anointing her Savior).

    God’s continual pursuit of me moves me to worship Him. Additionally, His patience is something I am so grateful for yet don’t think I will ever understand.

    Worship can take many forms, as can the object of worship. When Jesus flips the tables in the temple, I think He was saying He can’t, won’t, be mocked or replaced as the true object of worship.

    We put so many things on our plates and in our lives that distract us from Him. Ultimately, they all fall short – we all fall short. But He shows us – is trying to show us – how He alone can satisfy.

    I think Jesus had to literally flip the tables to simply get people’s attention – He had to cause a bigger “distraction” so people could get their eyes off of the familiar.

    Likewise, we need to wake up (be woken up) and see what He’s saying/doing. A lot of the time He speaks in a still, small voice. Most of the time though we’re too loud to notice.

    1. I just love how counter cultural Jesus was. He embraced women, brought them in and gave them value and I think Mary understood that it went beyond this world too. She knew there was more to Jesus than just a great person or teacher. I definitely agree with you that she knew her true value and joy came from outside of herself. What a moment – to be so moved to worship Jesus and He is right there face to face with her. What humility she must have felt but at the same time how treasured and loved too.
      I think sometimes we as people tend to go along with the crowd and I think the moneychangers were no exception. All these men doing this same thing and thinking it was fine until Jesus came and literally turns the tables. Stopping people from being able to worship Him, taking advantage of them – He doesn’t stand for that! And I think it was personal to Him, so He had to be the one to flip the tables. I don’t think that He needs to hear more praise but He so desires our relationship with Him and that’s something He took seriously – so seriously He was willing to die for it. Our hearts just need to stay in that place of remembrance and worship from there.

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