5 Tips to Squeeze in Quiet Time as a Busy Mom

Quiet time with children: is there such a thing?! We all know it is truly important to keep our relationship with the Lord going strong and one main way to do that is to have quiet time. I’m a big believer in staying in the Word. There is just something special that happens as we seek the Lord through His Word. I always feel more connected to Him and I have learned that I really do need that time with Him.

But as a Mom of two now, it’s really tough to spend a good chunk of time reading my Bible daily. I mean, sometimes I don’t even have time to shower!

I’m learning to accept that this season of life is going to look different than it did even a year ago in regards to quiet time. Before I thought quiet time had to be a sit down and have my physical Bible on my lap, my candle burning, and highlighters in hand- but that’s not going to happen every single day now. And I don’t want to pressure myself into believing that it has to happen this way in order for it to be meaningful.

Here are a few tips to help Moms like us still squeeze in some meaningful time with the Lord:

Use the moments you do have.

I can’t seem to get up earlier than my son these days. He is up during the 5 o’clock hour and I am not an early riser! I started staying up later, after everyone had gone to bed and that works for me most of the time. But on the days when neither of those options work, try to use whatever moments you can find. Ten minutes while the baby is napping? Five minutes waiting in the school pick up line? Use your phone or have a small devotional book to stash in your purse for those moments.

Listen to the Word.

Listen to an audioBible or a sermon. Listen while you’re driving in the car. or while you’re cleaning the house. Listen while you’re making dinner or taking a walk with the kids in the stroller. It’s okay to listen while you’re doing other things. Ask God to help you receive what He would have for you as you bend your ear towards Him.

Have a plan.

Try a monthly scripture plan. There are several on Pinterest or on Instagram. Here are a few to get you started. There are also plans on the youversion app. Or purchase a yearlong devotional that includes scripture. Here is a great one that even has journaling space. Having a plan helps so much! Instead of spending time flipping through pages of your Bible trying to find something to read, you have a plan before you and can know exactly where to go in your Bible.

Meditate on Scripture.

Grab that scripture plan again. Write out the scripture and place it where you can see it: on your bathroom mirror, in your planner, on your refrigerator. Read it each time you see it. Think on it. Pray about it. Ask God to reveal to you what He would have you to learn from it.

Keep everything in a centralized location.

This is a biggie for me. I keep my Bible, notebook, study book, and pens/highlighters in a bag. I put them back in the bag after I use them and that way I don’t have to go searching for anything. I hate when I do get a chance to settle in and realize I don’t have my highlighter or my notebook. You could even make a smaller version (pocketsized Bible and notebook and one pen) and keep in your car.

Would any of these tips work for you? Maybe you can try implementing one or a couple of them into your day and see if that helps! Whatever your quiet time looks like now, don’t stress that it’s not perfect or Instaworthy! God knows your heart and He will meet you in the moments you seek Him- so continue to seek Him, Mama!