5 Ways to Show Hospitality (That You Might Not Have Thought of Before)

Hi Friends!

Thanks for joining me again as we talk about hospitality. In the previous post, we discussed that love is at the heart of hospitality. God’s people become our people because we love Him. You can read the full post HERE.

I know that when most of us think of hospitality we think of inviting someone over for dinner or dining out after church. But sometimes this can be difficult! Perhaps your house simply can’t accommodate people over (due to remodeling, etc.) or you and your spouse’s schedules just don’t work to have company over (shift work, etc.). Or perhaps planning get togethers are a challenge for you, moneys tight, the kids are sick, the stove is out- whatever it might be that makes having someone over a definite challenge. I believe hospitality can extend far beyond one meal. There are so many people in our lives that are in need, and in more ways than we might think! There are the mothers with newborn babies trying to adjust to a new normal. There are those who have special needs and maybe cannot drive themselves to the store to pick up medication or buy groceries. There are those who are sick and yet have to keep up with chores and taking care of children. So many needs that we each have but so many ways we can come alongside one another and show the love of Christ. So, in light of all of that, here are some ways to show hospitality (that you might not have thought of before):

5 Ways to Show Hospitality

Volunteer: If you have some time (I know, who does, right?!) you may be able to volunteer locally. Maybe at a food bank or in the nursery at church. Volunteer Match is a great organization that matches you with volunteer opportunities in your area. It can be physically volunteering at a location or it can be crocheting a blanket to send to a resident at a senior care facility. You can find out more about them HERE. Or volunteer your time to babysit or take kids out for a play date if you know someone who has children. Any mother, I’m sure, would relish the opportunity for a few quiet moments to sit or to get chores done around the house! Or volunteer to pick something up at the store for them or run an errand for them.

Drive: There are some people who may not be able to drive. Having the ability to drive a car is a big deal and we usually don’t realize it until we’re unable to do so! When I was in college (and working my first job out of college), I was carless and had to rely on friends and public transportation to get around. It is seriously much appreciated when someone offers to drive you to the store, or pick up medication, or even just to get out for lunch or coffee. Offering to pick up a mother’s children at school and saving her the trip (or picking them up or taking them to practice, after school activities) would definitely be appreciated, too!

Give: Give a meal, a coffee card, a gift card for a dinner or date night out. I know my husband I love receiving gift cards, especially when they are given with the expressed desire that we use them for a date night. It’s so thoughtful and helps us not feel guilty for taking time away for ourselves. I know money can be tight, but even a $5 coffee card is something that is thoughtful and appreciated. Quick crockpot meals (chili, etc.) are always a great idea (and even better if given in a disposable container that can be thrown away 😉 !) Giving happy mail is always fun- a quick card or letter for someone to find amidst the bills and junk mail is a nice way to show they are thought of and appreciated.

Listen and Be Present: When you are able to sit down and visit with someone, or even quickly chat with them at the grocery store or in the foyer at church, make sure to truly listen and be present. It can be so difficult with all the distractions but nothing makes someone feel loved like being truly listened to. Put the phone away, turn the TV off, and just be there. Sometimes showing hospitality isn’t actually going out and doing something; it can simply be just being there for someone.

Start in Your Own Home: Sometimes it can actually be hardest to show a hospitable attitude to the people we live with! Whether it’s because of the fact that we know their faults and flaws or they know ours, or whether it’s because it can be frustrating to do the constant cleaning up after these people, and all the things on the to do list that they cause! But, being present and listening, offering to run an errand for your spouse, giving them time to do what they like to do, leaving little notes in their lunchbox- all of those things add up to showing your heart for them. It can be easy to forget that the people we see everyday and share our lives with also need a little love shown towards them as well. And as we do these things, our children will see and learn from our example. It would be great to get them involved as much as possible, too!

Friends, I hope this is encouraging, rather than daunting! Some of you are probably already doing these things! For myself, I have had to check my heart as I do these things because, let’s be honest, it’s not always fun to run errands for people or take them to appointments, but it does matter that we do these things and it does matter the heart that it is coming from. It is a humbling thought that God can take our willingness to love His people and use it to encourage them, glorify Himself, and bless us as well. As this holiday season approaches, I hope we’re all encouraged to show hospitality and our hearts!

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, especially those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10