August Focus, Book Club, and Challenge

Hello friends! Time to announce our August focus, book choice, and challenge! 🎉

August Focus: Perseverance

Not too long ago during a conversation with my best friend, I told her I didn’t want to have to persevere anymore; I just wanted things not to be hard anymore.

Can anyone relate?

Sometimes our lives seem to be stuck in a season of difficulty, of waiting for answers to prayers or for situations to change. Oftentimes we find ourselves wanting the instant gratification rather than the perseverance to be faithful through the tough times. But I know even in the hard times, we want to persevere in what God has given us. We don’t want to give up, even if we feel like we do. We know we serve a God who loves us and we want to be faithful to Him. But how? This month we are going to read through practical ways to build habits that help us in our daily life so that we might be faithful and persevere.

August Challenge: Finish.

August Book Choice: “Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World” by Glenna Marshall

August Bonus: A free phone wallpaper of Romans 12:11-12.

August Challenge:

We are going to challenge ourselves to finish. It could be to complete an item on our to-do list – not just any item, but one you’ve had there for awhile. It might be cleaning out your closet and donating items to Goodwill. It could be making a doctor’s appointment you’ve put off and then following through with going to the appointment. Or it might be finishing out the year in a club or ministry that you are having a difficult time with. Maybe it’s even completing a book, class, or study you know will help you but you haven’t made it a priority as you should. Whatever it is that you feel is an area that you need some perseverance in. As you complete this task, know that God is strengthening you and you are glorifying God by completing it.

August Book Club:

This month we are reading “Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World” by Glenna Marshall. Glenna is a pastor’s wife, mother of two boys, singer/songwriter, and an author. She will lead us through this journey to remain faithful as we read her words in this month’s book choice. We all long to grow in holiness, be faithful to our God, and live like we belong to Him. It’s just so hard! We can feel so defeated as we plod along day after day. Isn’t there some shortcut we can take?! Unfortunately, there isn’t. But “Everyday Faithfulness” is the tool that will encourage us along the way. I pray it helps you as you take it one step at a time.


*Purchase your copy of “Everyday Faithfulness” by Glenna Marshall.

*Join us on the blog for weekly discussion questions posted every Friday. The first week’s questions will be posted on August 5th. The reading schedule is listed below.

*Comment and share what you’re learning so we can interact with one another and learn together! Hope you’ll join in!