Bible Reading Plans You Can Start Now

Have you chosen a Bible reading plan for the year? The beginning of the year is a time to change up your reading plan if needed or begin a new habit of Bible reading! If you need some ideas on what to read in your Bible this year, here a few different plans that you can start now without needing any study books to purchase.

Get Chronological

Have you ever wanted to read the Bible in the order the events took place? It may feel like the passages you read are out of order because we are so used to the order of the books in our Bibles, but it is very cool to read a Psalm along with the events that inspired it and the Old Testament history in the order it unfolded. Here is a chronological plan from Bible Study Tools.

Read the Gospels

Start in Matthew and read through each of the four gospels. As you read each account, find what is similar in each one and what is different. Think on why that author would add those different details. Or each month reread the gospels in a different translation such as NKJV or The Message.

The Old Testament

Have you ever read through the entire Old Testament? Some of it is shocking! We learn a lot of OT stories in Sunday School but much of it is actually violent and explicit (surprising, right?!). In the OT, you will read about creation, the exodus of the Israelites, and the dark time of Judges. Also, there are twelve minor prophets in the OT that many haven’t read before. You could even read one of the prophets each month and create your own year long reading plan.

The New Testament

Reading one chapter a day, five days a week, from each book of the New Testament (include Jude as a single chapter) and you will have 52 weeks of reading and will have read through the entire New Testament!

A Topical Study

Do you choose a word of the year? It would be a great idea to focus on Scripture reading to go along with your word for the year. Check out the concordance in your Bible or Lifeway for Women’s blog has free printable monthly topical studies. And there are plenty on Pinterest as well. Search the topic and there will be many plans to choose from 🙂 Some other ideas for a topical study (besides your word of the year) could be:

  • Sanctification
  •  The Parables of Jesus
  •  Joy
  • Peace
  • Hope

Ponder the Psalms

Read one Psalm a day and meditate on it. Spend a few extra days in Psalm 119 (it is super long) and journal what you learn.

Another option in the Psalms is to write down all the “I Will” statements. This might help you to see the Psalms in a different way. I know that I often go to the Psalms for the poetry and reassurance of God but miss out on what it tells me I should be doing as well. Sweet Blessings has a great plan for that or as you read a Psalm, simply write down those “I Will” statements.

The Letters of Paul

Focus on reading through the letters Paul wrote: Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians and 1 & 2 Timothy. Take your time to read through them and truly meditate on the words that were chosen to guide the early church.

Take a Creative Approach

Maybe 2021 is the year you get a little creative with your reading! Try doodling the main ideas of what you read. You can do this with any book of the Bible. One idea is go chapter by chapter, or if that proves too much try section by section (each headlined section in your Bible). Personally, I think getting creative frees up the side of us that wants to enjoy Bible reading and not think of it as a chore or as homework. Plus, doodling can be a relaxing outlet! Try a bullet journal to house your doodles and let your creative side shine!   

Read Through the Entire Bible

Perhaps this year is the year to read through your entire Bible?! There are special year long Bibles that can be purchased that are dated and give you certain passages to read through each day. Or there are plans such as the 5 a Day Bible reading plan that take you through both the Old and New Testament for five days a week for one year.

Join an Online Bible Community

There are several online communities that do Bible reading plans together. Some of these do offer study books for purchase but most are free through Facebook groups or their apps/websites. Here are a few that I have joined in reading with:

  •                 She Reads Truth
  •                 Good Morning Girls
  •                 Love God Greatly
  •                 First 5 Proverbs 31 Ministry

Some Helpful Hints As You Read

Try to be as consistent as possible. I know it can be difficult to find time everyday to read your Bible but try to create a habit. Creating a habit makes it easier to create space for it and consistency builds habit.

Dig a little deeper. As you read, you may want to ask yourself these questions and write the answers down in a journal/notebook:

  • What are the key words or the big idea of the passage?
  • What does it tell me about God?
  • What does it tell me about myself?
  • How can I practically apply this to my life? Is there a command or a call to worship? Is there a sin to avoid or a call to action?

Plans are always helpful to develop consistency and so we don’t have to be aimless in our reading. Hope this gave you a few ideas to help you get started on Bible reading in the new year! Let me know what you decide to read! 🙂