Book Club – “I Choose Brave” (Week Three)

Hello lovely friends! Holy cow am I happy it’s Friday! It’s been a week šŸ˜œ I have really enjoyed this month’s book though and it’s given me so much to think about and process. I hope it’s been an encouragement to you as well.

Alright, here are this week’s questions:

Chapter 10: Peace

*Have you ever experienced the peace that Katie describes – a peace that passes all understanding?

*“Peace is the gift in His absence here on earth” (pg. 101). Have you thought of peace as a gift from God? How can thinking of peace in this way help you to receive it?

Chapter 11: Worship

*How would you define worship in your own words?

*The author lists a game plan taken from Psalm 56:3 (pg.106-108). Which of the steps do you need to focus on and implement to better lock eyes on Jesus rather than the world around us?

Chapter 12: Hope

*What do you think your hope is currently in? Is it in yourself (your own ability to adapt and adjust) or possibly situational outcomes?

*Placing our hope in God is choosing brave. Knowing our circumstances may disappoint us but real hope in Him will not. How does knowing this help us to have courage?

Chapter 13: Humility

*Read through the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1 in light of this statement: “She was changed by the proper position of her heart’s desire, not the outcome” (Pg. 122). What outcome do you need to lay before God and ask for a change of heart?

*Katie lists three things that define humility:

  • proper positioning
  • all eyes on God
  • being teachable

It is not the same message that the world tries to teach us. How can humility set us apart as Christians? How does the fear of God produce humility?

Chapter 14: Heritage

*How have you seen a legacy of God’s grace and provision in your own history (your parents, grandparents, etc.)? How are you sharing what God is providing with your current family (your children, etc.)? What steps can you take to actively participate in passing down what God is doing to the next generation?

*What kind of heritage would you like to leave for your children? What is your life sharing now? Is there a difference between the two? What would you need to change to leave the heritage you desire?

Scripture of the Week

Psalm 145:4

Romans 5:1-5

Psalm 56:3

1 Peter 5:5-7

Prayer of the Week

Father God, may we stand more in awe of You. Help us to make the daily decisions to be humble, to accept Your peace and hope, and to worship You with our lives. May we leave a heritage of godly fear to our children and our grandchildren. Father, we thank You for the reminders that You are in control and we need not fear or be discouraged by circumstances. Help us to truly believe this is all good and You are growing and doing more than we can ever imagine. We love You and praise You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

For Next Week:

*Finish the book by reading Chapters 15 through 19

One thought on “Book Club – “I Choose Brave” (Week Three)

  1. I think there have only been a few times where Iā€™ve felt the peace that passes understanding. Generally, itā€™s been in the moments Iā€™ve felt truly helpless, knowing that things are out of my control. Iā€™ve not regarded this peace as a gift but seeing it as such is correct and needed.
    Since we like to hold onto feelings so tightly, itā€™s often hard, I think, for God to give us peaceā€¦not like He couldnā€™t, but Heā€™s not going to force us to let go. If I view His peace as a gift though, I recognize I have to open my hands to receive it – and most likely place my emotions at my side, even for a moment.
    That being said, it is very important, as the author mentions, to ā€œacknowledge the reality of lifeā€™s challenges for what they areā€. If I choose to dismiss, deny, or avoid dealing with my emotions, Iā€™m not only not being honest, but am also making it harder on myself for God to work in and through me. This isnā€™t saying we let God work in us for selfish gain; if anything, itā€™s a control issue thatā€™s needing to be chipped away!
    Sadly, we put our hope in so many things instead of God. However, the definition of hope isnā€™t even right. We see hope as a wish – an internal, thoughtful request that something (please, just one thing! šŸ˜‚) function in our favor. But this is not what hope is. Real hope is a sturdy trust that anticipates an outcome we cannot provideā€¦thatā€™s why we have to let go of our agenda, our feelings, our control, as hard as it is!
    You find out what you really believe when youā€™re tested – before that happens, it still may be true, but it can feel like only a theory. Iā€™ve previously mentioned my struggles dealing with my boys and their grades and behavior. Lately, our family has been tested on new levels. It. Is. Real. It. Is. Challenging. We. Are. Tired. And yet it is in this place God is reminding us of who He is and how much we need Him.
    Humility and courage go hand in hand. Iā€™m learning to lay down my ideas and expectations – this is a moment by moment thing. Iā€™m trying to surrender my fears (again, moment by moment) to Him, and anticipate Him moving – for my good and His glory.

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