Book Club – “That Sounds Fun” (Week Two)

Hello friends! Happy Friday! I hope you’ve had a great week and have enjoyed this section of “That Sounds Fun.” I am definitely a person who doesn’t like being good at things, or being an amateur, so this section of the book was very enlightening and freeing for me. What a relief that we can take the pressure off of ourselves and just try new things. I feel like that pressure has kept me from having fun with things I could have been enjoying!

Here are this week’s discussion questions. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

The Joys of Being An Amateur

*What comes to mind when you think of the word “amateur”?

The High Line Hotel

*Do you feel pressure to be a professional at things, even if you’re new at them? Think back on the last time you did something for the first time. If you can’t remember, make a goal to try something new and make note of how you feel doing it.

*In your opinion, what is the true spirit of an amateur? (pg. 47)

That Sounds Fun Podcast Studio

*Do you feel that your life has purpose?

*”Annie says that whether we should “go pro or stay amateur” is the wrong question to ask ourselves. Rather we should ask what makes our heart flourish. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?


*Have you had an ending in life that you were able to mark in a special or memorable way? Describe that experience.

*How have you experienced gifts of joy within times of grief?


*Share an experience you’ve had when things turned out differently (better) that you planned/expected them to.

*“The joys of being an amateur are better when we aren’t alone in them. Life is just better with than without” (pg. 74) Who comes to mind when you read this quote?

The Dock

*In your friend or family group, are you a thermostat, a peacekeeper, the comic relief, the cruise director or do you hold another role?

*Has there been a time of loss in your life where you have been able to find the joy and/or purpose in it?

Scripture of the Week

Proverbs 14:13

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Prayer of the Week

Father God, thank You for the gift of being an amateur. Thank You for creating each one of us with a purpose and with certain passions that make our hearts come alive. You give us strength and grace for each new day and the ability to find joy and purpose even in times of grief and loss. What a great God you are! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

For Next Week

*Read “The Power of Falling in Love” section

One thought on “Book Club – “That Sounds Fun” (Week Two)

  1. I had no idea there were different definitions of “amateur” – and I’m so glad there are! 🤗 That term has always had a negative connotation for me, but knowing there are other definitions makes me not feel as awkward about it.
    My Type A personality makes me feel the pressure to be professional in almost every area of my life…and it’s something I have tried to control for awhile now with little success. 🙃
    Focusing on the question the author poses: “What makes our hearts flourish?” is a step to helping release my control of being a professional. When we allow our hearts to flourish, we begin to simply be and almost naturally start having fun within our situation. Even if something is difficult or painful, our hearts can’t flourish if we’re trying to control things.
    Releasing control is different than being, giving, or doing our best. It doesn’t mean we don’t have standards but that we remove our criticisms/critiquing (as much as possible) from our situations in order to enjoy where we are, or at least see things in a different, less negative light.
    We’re so quick to think our hearts must only flourish within joy, but as the author mentions joy and grief often appear, and work together. If we stifle grief, we often miss out on experiencing joy.
    My grandma passed a few years ago and since then, every year on her birthday my parents, sister, and I set aside time to have tea “together” to remember her. This last year my grandma’s birthday fell on a day I ended up babysitting. There were two little girls, so I had the idea of having a tea party with them. I told them it was my grandma’s birthday and asked if we could have tea (sweet tea counts, right? ☺️) to celebrate…of course they loved it and so did I!
    My Type A side could have controlled this situation and rejected the idea of not “traditionally” celebrating my grandma like years before (for the record, my parents, sister, and I did celebrate later that day as well). I could have kept a closed fist and insisted things be done like they always have been, but by opening up my heart and allowing it to flourish, I was able to see joy I wouldn’t have been able to see had I not had a tea party with those sweet little girls! 🤗
    Ironically, I am the peacekeeper in the family. I also have the tendency to be the thermostat to see how everyone else is feeling. Both roles can be exhausting because I can try ways to keep the peace and fix others’ thermostats – while this is done out of love, I only get so far because of the control factor! 😆
    I want to be and do more out of pleasure than obligation, and that’s what this week’s chapter is helping me work on: becoming an amateur in the sense of doing things for the sheer love, devotion, and admiration of it all.

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