Currently – April 2021

Happy Wednesday! I found this fun linkup with Anne from In Residence to share what I’m currently arranging, craving, discussing, enjoy, and preparing. Thought this would be a cool little glimpse into what is happening in life right now. So, here we go:


schedules. I’m trying to schedule in all the doctor and dentist appointments we put off last year because of COVID, along with getting my car into the shop for new tires and other things. We’ll be moving to another house for the summer in about a week so am getting that arranged along with some fun things like a girl’s night and birthday celebrations. We’ve completed a few appointments – vaccines, haircuts, and a dentist appointment are checked off the list!


a good night’s sleep! Man, I don’t know what has been going on but I have not slept through the night in the longest time! If it’s not the kiddos waking me up, it’s my own restless brain keeping me awake! I think it’s been a combo of ‘revenge bedtime procrastination’ (when you stay up late as a way of gaining some sense of freedom when you don’t have much control over your time during the day) and the worry game that my brain wants to play at night. Does this ever happen to you?!


all the things! Cultural and political issues, birthday plans, day trip and weekend trip ideas, hopes for the summer, books I’m reading, the vaccine, and when we can see a movie in the theater! Are your theaters open? I have missed going so much!


reading. I used to be such a big reader but in the last few years I hadn’t done as much reading at all. This year I’ve knocked out, something like, 16 books and it makes me happy. Along with our monthly book club picks, I’ve been reading some mystery/thrillers like “The Woman in Cabin 10” by Ruth Ware. I forgot how much I loved a good edge-of-your-seat-keep-you-guessing book.


for some repairs to our home. Yesterday we had a pipe burst under our bathroom sink. In just a minute or two it had flooded the bathroom, hallway, hall closet, and the edge of our living room before we got the water turned off. We cleaned up the mess and got the pipe fixed but we’ll be replacing the living room carpet and the flooring in the closet and bathroom.

How are you? What are you currently up to? Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great rest of your week!

9 thoughts on “Currently – April 2021

  1. A burst pipe is so awful! I hope the repairs happen quickly and life can get back to normal. I can go back and forth on being a reader, but I do love it. It sometimes has too much competition with other things.

    1. I hear ya- I cut out some things in order to read again. It’s tough to find time for all the things!

  2. I am impressed with 16 books read! That is great! I am sorry about the burst pipe…not so great, but hope you can get repairs done quickly. I can also relate on craving a good night’s sleep. When I do get one, I am very aware and thankful. Have a great day!

  3. Thanks so much for joining in – I always think these posts are a fun way to share life updates, both big and small, and of course a very fun way to get to know other people too! YAY for getting into a good reading groove. I’ve pretty much always been a big reader, but with pandemic life it’s pretty much my main hobby… so I LOVE talking books. A new thriller-ish that I loved recently is Mother May I by Joshilyn Jackson. Highly recommend that and also her previous book, Never Have I Ever. And gah, sorry to hear about the pipe bursting – that happened to us a year ago, and I get how much of a hassle it all is!

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