Currently – April 2022

Hi friends! Happy Wednesday and I hope you are having a great week so far! I’m happy to be linking up again with Anne from In Residence for the April edition of Currently. This month we are talking about what we are currently getting, going, planning, posting, and thinking.


I’m getting excited about Easter plans. My sister is having us over next Saturday for a pre-Easter party at her house since she has to work on Easter Sunday. We are also taking the kiddos to the park this weekend for an Easter event there. I can’t believe it’s already Easter! It seems like it snuck up on me this year.


My husband and I are going to get our taxes done today – finally! Usually we are those people who get them done as soon as we get all our information in, but this year it just hasn’t worked out. I’m happy we finally have an appointment and we can cross it off the list!


I’ve just started to plan for Spring Break… which is less than two weeks away🙈 . I’ve had it on my mind for the longest time but couldn’t decide and now it’s almost here. I think I’ve settled on a long weekend in San Diego or Orange County with trips to the aquarium and the beach. Both areas are only a 2-3 hour drive from us so it should be a good trip wherever we choose. If I can just book our plans already!


I have really just been posting for Book Club for the longest time now. A monthly introduction to the theme and book choice of the month, weekly discussion questions, and usually one freebie bonus item like free printable verses or phone wallpaper. It’s been so much fun doing this in this way and I’m learning so much from all of these books!


I’ve been thinking about the idea of numbering our days. This Bible verse from Psalms keeps popping up:

“Teach us to number our days,
    that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12 NIV

I tend to get caught up in my circumstances and forget to have the end goal in mind. This idea of numbering our days makes me think about choosing what I want most instead of just what I want right now. Maybe right now I just feel like zoning out but what I really want most is to have a connected relationship with my kiddos and husband so I should put in the time and effort and be intentional about cultivating those relationships. It could apply to so many areas and I’ve been thinking through all of it.

4 thoughts on “Currently – April 2022

  1. I have a standing appointment for the same date every year with my tax advisor- it’s the best not having to worry about it since it’s set from the year before. Such a relief when it’s finally done though! I LOVED San Diego when I was there a few years ago. Hope you have a great time!

  2. Such a good verse and word of encouragement! I hope to finish our taxes this weekend and am ready to have those behind me. I dread them every year and feel like I need to celebrate once the are submitted.

  3. Hope that taxes are behind you!! Powerful thought to think on…numbering our days! It is something that I am often mindful up but I need to have it impact me more!! Have a great weekend!

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