Currently – June 2021

Happy June! How are we halfway through the year already?!

Linking up with Anne from In Residence again for her Currently series. This month we are answering what we are currently celebrating, collecting, gifting, thinking, and trying.


All the birthdays! My Grandmother just turned 90 and we were able to celebrate her at a party with much of my extended family (that I hadn’t seen in over a year). My mom had a birthday a few weeks before that, my brother’s is in two weeks, and my birthday is today! We have so many birthdays in these summer months (nine total between May and August)!


Clothes! I’ve been on a shopping binge lately. I normally don’t buy clothes that often but with summer coming I needed a few things. To be honest, my clothes from last summer don’t fit because I’ve gained some weight 🙈 so I started out shopping for shorts and a new swimsuit, but dresses have been calling to me and I’ve bought a few of them too! I really need to purge my closet now and get rid of a few things. I try to get rid of items if I buy anything new, just to keep a handle on the closet chaos!


Sending out a graduation gift today and thinking about Father’s Day gifts. I like to give one sentimental gift, like a picture of the kiddos, and one item that they want.


Of all the things we want to do this summer. I want to do something for the kiddos (like visit LegoLand). We’ve never done an amusement park with the kids before but I can dream that it will be totally smooth, right?! 😉 My husband wants to visit the beach and there is another race he is hoping we can go to this summer as well. He and I are heading out for a little birthday celebration so I’m excited about that. I’m happy that we can possibly do more summer activities this year 🙂


To plan a DIY day camp at home for the kiddos with a weekly theme and one fun thing a day (Make It Monday, Water Wednesday, etc). Lots of ideas on Pinterest and I think it would be good idea to have a theme and give some direction to each day instead of trying to come up with ideas on the fly. It’s been so busy lately that I haven’t been able to do anything like this with them, so I think this will be a lot of fun (if I can just get it organized and prepped!).

Thanks for reading! Hope you have a great month!

8 thoughts on “Currently – June 2021

  1. Happy birthday!! Hope your day was special:) And, at home day camp – even with themes – sounds so fun! And much more than my kiddos ever experienced -ha!!

  2. I also put LegoLand under my “Thinking” as well. I think that would be so much for your kids. My kids have not been either, except my oldest when she was really little and doesn’t remember. We are hoping for a fun filled amusement park summer as well since we just moved to Florida one month ago from Missouri.

  3. Oh, I love the idea of a DIY Day Camp at home. If you need help finding ideas, let me know. I thought about doing something like this for my nieces and nephew before…it would be fun to research!!

    This is definitely the time of birthdays for a lot of people I know too. I just ordered a few gifts actually, and now I’m thinking of the others I need


  4. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great day. I remember loving DIY summer days with the kids. No Pinterest back then so I relied heavily on Family Fun magazine. Hope you have lots of fun.

  5. Oh, I like the idea of having theme days for the summer. I might implement that for my kids so we have a bit of a schedule. And Happy Belated Birthday!!! I hope you were able to enjoy some celebrating!

  6. We have lots of summer birthdays in my family too, and I’m feeling similarly grateful for how nice it is to be able to celebrate with everyone again. Hooray for a 90th birthday party! What a great idea to do themed days for the summer. I’m trying to be a bit organized (without TOO much structure) about our days too, so that we don’t end up with the “I’m bored” situation. So far have only landed on having some scooter + chore + workbook time followed by some bonus screen time. Yours sounds more exciting 🙂 Thanks for linking up, and have a great summer!

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