Currently – September

Happy SEPTEMBER! How in the world is it September already?! Are you ready for Fall or are you squeezing in the last bit of summer? I’m ready for the heat to be over but I want to have a little bit more summer fun!

Linking up with Anne at In Residence for her monthly Currently series. This month we are sharing what we are currently beginning, ending, loving, picking, and posting.


Kindergarten began for my oldest son, Chase. He is going to class in person, wearing a mask, and struggling a bit with the new routine. It’s the beginning of a long school journey and a new routine. It’s the first time he has been in any sort of structured setting with other children. He’s been with me or with Grandma all these years so it’s been a big change for him. I’m excited for him to make friends and have a good experience with learning, but I’ve had some major anxiety over these past few weeks. Just trying to remember that it’s still the beginning of this journey and he’ll get there. Since he’s struggling it’s been less fun and joyous than I thought it would be and I think I’m grieving that a bit (for him and me!). But just trying to take it one day at a time, encourage him, and stay positive.


Ending our summer and especially the month of August. By August, we’re sick of summer and the heat. Ready for cooler weather and Fall activities! I’m not quite ready to think about the holidays but am looking forward to some family fun days we have coming up.


Loving the family time we spent together this summer. Reminiscing on our beach day, trip to San Diego, visit to the U.S.S. Midway and trip to the zoo.


Picking new lessons and curriculum for Sunday School class. We have a small class and a mix of ages so it’s a little tough to make sure everyone is engaged while making it age appropriate. I’m excited for the new lessons I’m finding though and hoping the kids will be as well.


Have mostly been posting Book Club info (discussion questions, etc.) and a few posts on the book club topic for that month. These monthly linkups have been a lot of fun and I look forward to them, too. I haven’t been active on social media at all. I took a break from it and somehow never went back. I tend to end up just posting about my kiddos to keep in touch with family and friends that live far away.

Thanks for reading, friends! Hope you have a great month!

4 thoughts on “Currently – September

  1. Your SS classs sounds very much like the Junior Church group I teach – a small group with lots of ages. So much fun…but not without the challenges of finding the right lesson, etc:) I love Sunday mornings with them, though! Praying that your son finds his stride soon – and this will be a great year for him. And you!

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