All About Prayer Journals! (+ Printable Prayer Journal Freebies!)

Hello, sweet friends! I’m so excited for this month’s freebies! Since we have been reading about, and discussing, prayer I’ve got some prayer journal printable pages for you! If you’ve ever thought about creating a prayer journal now is the time 🙂

Let’s go over a few things first. You might be asking what a prayer journal is and why should you even make one? Or what you would even put in it? Let’s go through each of these questions.

What is a Prayer Journal?

A prayer journal is a place to record your thoughts, prayers, prayer requests, scripture, answers to prayers, anything and everything! I’ve heard it described as a prayer diary or a war binder (based off the movie “War Room”). Now I’m saying Prayer Journal but it could truly be any type of notebook, binder, planner…anything that works for you! I use a small binder because I like to move pages around and that gives me the ability to do so. But it could be preprinted pages with prayer prompts, a planner with space to write a prayer in daily, a diary, or a regular 3ring style binder.

Why Should I Make a Prayer Journal?

Have you ever started to pray and then got distracted and lost your focus? Have you ever told someone you’d pray for them but then completely forgot?

Me too.

I’ve found that a prayer journal – writing out my prayers- helps me stay focused in prayer. Having a place to write down requests and a designated space to list out verses I want to pray for my friends and family helps me to actually pray for them!

How to Make a Prayer Journal

The quick answer is:

  • Gather all your supplies (notebook/journal, paper, tape, pens, etc.)
  • Decide what you want to include and which sections you will have. Sections could include: Family (Your husband, Your children, etc.), Days of the Week, Answered Prayers, Spiritual Goals, or anything you like.
  • Assemble your journal. Create dividers by purchasing binder dividers from the store, using cardstock and punching holes in it, or using tabs to separate each section. Then start adding to each section!

I’ve created some printables to get you started – it’s just one way to get started on your prayer journey. This idea will include printing out some free printable pages that include prayer prompts, scriptures, and journal pages to include in a 3 ring binder. You can totally choose to add lined notebook paper or cardstock too.

If you use these printables you would create four sections in your binder: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication (dividers are included in the printable pack). These are the basis for the ACTS prayer. If you haven’t heard of it before it’s just a simple acronym for prayer. Here is a quick synopsis of the ACTS prayer method:


What better way to start prayer than by showing adoration for the One we are praying to?! We praise God for who He is and what He’s done. This can be done by using our favorite worship song lines, by saying scripture back to Him, by praising Him for His attributes. In this section, you could include a list of the attributes of God, favorite worship song lyrics, etc. Here’s an example:


This is where we can repent and confess any sins that we have committed. Confession is good for the soul and something we should do before we launch into petitioning God for our requests. This is a good opportunity to lay any feelings of condemnation or shame down, picking up God’s forgiveness and knowing that by the work of the cross we are forgiven and clothed in His righteousness. Be honest with God about your sin and where you are struggling to obey Him. Ask Him to truly give you a repentant heart and a willingness to obey Him in all things.

This section could include Psalm 51 and other scriptures on confession and repentance, quotes on obedience or confession, and anything that will remind you to evaluate yourself. A list of questions such as “Did I gossip, etc?” that you can think through would be great in this section.


Thank God for what He’s done, for who He is, and for how He is working in your life. This is the space to be grateful and express our gratitude to the Lord.

In this section, you could include scriptures on thanksgiving and gratitude, a gratitude list, psalms of praise, etc.


This is where we can humbly make our plea to God and ask Him for the things we need and for all the prayer requests on our hearts. As His children we can come boldly before the throne! In this section, you could subdivide it based on days of the week and decide to pray for a certain person or item each day of the week. Or subdivide based on a certain person. In my journal I have sections for myself, my husband, our marriage, children, friends, and ministry. Here’s an example of my marriage section:

Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect! If the thought of doing all this sounds like too much, just grab a journal and starting writing! Do what works for you! Don’t let it stress you out 🙂

***Don’t Forget to Download Your Free Printable Prayer Journal Pages HERE!!!***

Hope this helps you to get started! Let me know if you have any questions or would like more resources and ideas! Let’s get to praying! 🙏❤