January 2022 Focus, Book Club, and Challenge

January Focus: Priorities

I’m so glad you are here, friend! And I’m SO excited for a new year of Book Club! This has been a highlight for me and I’m sure 2022’s reading will be too! Thank you for joining in again and I pray it blesses you too!

As we start out a new year, let’s shift our priorities onto what’s really important. Let’s drop the hustle and the mad rush to meet the world’s standards. Let’s stop listening to all the messages that tell us we just need this or that – kale, decluttering, Pinterest worthy homes, vacations all around the world, a side hustle, Beachbody, and all the other things social media wants us to grab at. Let’s start this new year not chasing after perfection but chasing after the One who is perfect.

January Challenge: Choose a Bible reading plan.

January Book: “Chasing Perfect: Peace and Purpose in the Exhausting Pursuit of Something Better” by Alisha Illian

January Bonus: Free printable reading logs.

January Challenge:

Girl, read your Bible! This month’s challenge is to dive into the Word. Start a read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year plan or a monthly Scripture plan. Start a new devotional or join a study group like Women Living Well or Proverbs 31. There are lots of options! Check out THIS POST for ideas!

January Book:

This month we are reading “Chasing Perfect: Peace and Purpose in the Exhausting Pursuit of Something Better” by Alisha Illian. You’ve probably seen the “Girl, read your Bible” meme all over social media. This book is where that came from. There are so many self-help and self-improvement messages that sometimes we come to the Bible with that mentality instead of simply seeking Jesus. We want to do better, be better, and get better that we forget all we need to is chase after Jesus – not everything else in the world. I’m excited to read this book with you and start the year off chasing Perfect!


*Purchase your copy of “Chasing Perfect” by Alisha Illian and begin reading. We will read 3 chapters each week with discussion questions at the end of each week.

*Join us on the blog every Friday for the weekly discussion questions. The first set of discussion questions will be up on Friday, January 7th.

*Comment and share so we can learn from one another!

Happy reading, friends!