January Book Club and Focus

Hi friends! Can you believe we are already well into a new month and new year?! Last year went by so quickly (I say that every year!) and here we are ushering in a new year with new expectations and hopes and a new round of books for us to read! I’m so glad you are here for year 3 of book club! It has been a highlight for me and I’m so happy to have you join in!

If you’re new to book club, welcome! We are keeping it super simple here. We read one book a month, at our own pace, with discussion questions at the end of the month. Each book is chosen based on its ability to help us grow in our walk with the Lord, tackle cultural issues from a Christian perspective, or encourage us to live out our faith on a day to day basis.

I wish you a very happy and healthy 2023 and pray it is a year of growing closer to our Savior. Without further adieu here is our January focus and book selection:

January Focus: The Attributes of God

Let’s start off the new year by focusing on our great God! This month as we study about God, I pray it’s an opportunity to get to know Him better and to grow closer to Him. The more we know Him the more we love Him and that’s an exciting promise. It’s hard to really comprehend with our limited knowledge how much bigger and how different than us God actually is. As we read this month we will learn that it’s actually a good thing that God is different than us! His attributes will inspire awe and wonder and reverence and we can carry that throughout this year.

Book Club Choice:

This month we will be reading “None Like Him: 10 Ways God is Different From Us” by Jen Wilkin. Jen is going to unpack ten attributes of God. I think we all know various attributes of God but perhaps we don’t understand why they’re such a big deal. Jen is going to help us get into the why and how. At the end of each chapter there are verses to meditate on and questions to ponder. Let’s take a closer look at why there is none like our God!


*Purchase your copy of “None Like Him” by Jen Wilkin so you can begin reading.

*Join us on the blog on Friday, January 27th for the discussion questions.


Verse of the Month:

Instead of a different challenge each month, let’s focus on scripture memorization throughout the year. Each month let’s memorize one scripture and at the end of the year we will have added to our arsenal of scripture to pull from when we need it. And I want to let you know: you can do it! If it sounds daunting, think of it this way: you have memorized lots of things in your life. Your phone number, your address, passwords, songs…the list is endless! You can do this and it doesn’t take any sort of special brainpower to do so. I am cheering you on!

This month as we focus on God’s attributes let’s memorize the following verse:

“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,

and his greatness is unsearchable.”

Psalm 145:3

Can’t wait to do this with you! Have a great month!