February Book Club and Focus

Well February is knocking on our door, can you believe it?! A new month means a new book choice and focus and I couldn’t be more excited about this month!

If you’re new here, we keep it really simple: one book and theme for the month. We read at a our own pace and then come back to the blog at the end of the month to discuss some questions about the book.

Here is all the info for February:

February Focus: The Body

As Christians we believe God made our bodies and spirits. They are both created by Him and should be honored as so. However, culture seems to feed us a very different line. In many of today’s issues, such as abortion, transgenderism, and homosexuality, the body is the central focus. If we zoom in a little closer we will find that it’s actually hostility or hatred towards the body that fuels these issues. This month we are going beyond what is politically correct to focus on what God tells us about the body and cultivate a view of it that is good and positive.

Book Club Choice:

This month we will be reading “Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality” by Nancy R. Pearcey. I’ve been intrigued by this topic since I heard Nancy on Allie Beth Stuckey’s podcast discussing this book. In this book, Nancy dives into these “hard questions” and compares the views secularism and Christianity hold. Using scripture she shows us how God and Christianity hold a completely different, and much more positive, view of the body. Don’t be afraid to dive in with me this month! This is a big topic to tackle and you may think the book will be too “academic” but Nancy does a great a job at explaining these topics (without sounding like a textbook) and using real life stories to illustrate her point. It’s my hope we’ll come away from this month with a better understanding of why the body is important and why the Christian view is actually a much more well-rounded belief than the secular viewpoint. I think we will come away with a greater appreciation for God’s sovereignty and the way He designed us. Hope you’ll join in!


*Purchase your copy of “Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality” by Nancy R. Pearcey.

*Read at your own pace during the month of February. Discussion questions on the book will be posted on the blog on Friday, February 24th.

*Comment, share your favorite quotes, or a picture of yourself reading and let me know what you think!


Verse of the Month:

Our memory verse for the month is:

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Can’t wait to read this with you!