Mothers of the Bible

The Bible is full of stories about mothers. Not all of them were examples to follow, however we can learn from them all. There are some who set the example for prayer, trusting, teaching their children, and waiting on the Lord. In honor of Mother’s Day, let’s take a look at 5 mothers in the Bible.


Luke 1-2; John 2:4-5;

Mary is probably the most well-known mother in the Bible. She is the mother of Jesus. The woman chosen to bring the Savior into the world. What a privilege! And also what heartbreak as she watched her son broken and killed in such a horrific way.

From Mary we learn that God is with us during even the most painful times of motherhood and during loss. Mary’s faith in God was so strong that she accepted the path that He led her, pregnant at such a young age, unmarried, and then to raise such a special child, knowing that a “sword would pierce her own heart” (Luke 2:35). Mary’s story shows us that God’s plan may not always seem logical but we can know that He is with us each step of the way. Mary endured so much and through her life we see that she was a willing servant of the Lord and an example of obedience and faithfulness to the Lord.


Genesis 1

Eve is the first mother recorded in the Bible. She is the first woman to have the privilege of carrying a child and becoming a mother. She is also the first woman to have been deceived by the Enemy and to experience grief over the loss of a child.

From Eve we can learn that the Enemy will always be against us and our family. We need to keep our focus on the Lord and on His truth, not on the half-truths or schemes of the devil. We can pray over our children and stand on God’s Word as we raise them up. Eve’s resilience can also be an example to us. She gets a bad wrap having fallen for the Enemy’s deception, but she was also a woman who persevered over hardship. She continued on even after leaving Eden and losing a child and was dedicated to her family.


1 Samuel 1-2

Hannah wanted nothing more than a child and prayed continually to the Lord for one. She promised if God granted her request she would give her child to the Lord. She was true to her word and when she did have her son, Samuel, she gave him to do the Lord’s work.

Hannah’s story was so precious to me when I became pregnant with my oldest son. Her story had taught me that God hears our prayers and that it is His grace that can be expressed through answered prayers and through our children. As we realize they belong to Him, we can see how much of a privilege it is that He grants us these precious babies to grow and raise. Hannah never went back on her promise to the Lord and though I’m sure she struggled with not seeing her son, she remained faithful to her vow.


Genesis 18:9-15

Sarah and her husband were given a promise that Sarah would bear children. However, years went by and she did not get pregnant. She was too old and she even laughed when she heard the promise by God. I’d like to think that I wouldn’t have laughed at such a promise but I might have! When all logic said she was too old, of course she might have thought it was a little crazy! But she learned that nothing was too hard for God.

When all logic says otherwise, God can. After my first miscarriage, I remember standing in church praying during the worship service. Praying about this desire for a child and I knew in that still small way that God speaks that I would have a child. I don’t know how to explain other than it was just this knowing in my soul. Later, I experienced the second loss. I didn’t understand. Had I heard God wrong? Was I just fooling myself? But then, I was soon pregnant with my son. When all seems hopeless, we can hold onto God’s promises. Nothing is too hard for Him!


Genesis 29-30; 49

Leah was given to Jacob to be his wife, though he was in love with her sister Rachel. Jacob married Rachel as well and both sisters struggled with envy and comparison. She lived knowing that her husband did not love her in the way he loved Rachel. Leah was able to bear children for Jacob and she knew that God had given her the ability to conceive and it was through her children that she learned that God was working on her behalf.

Leah’s story teaches us that even when things are not ideal in our lives, we can still praise God as the giver of all good things. We can know that even when we feel unloved, God never stops loving us. He can bring good out of our situations and we can keep our eyes on Him. We don’t need to look at what everyone else is doing or try to manipulate outcomes, but trust and honor God in all things.

These are just 5 examples of mothers in the Bible. Their circumstances and everyday lives were very different from ours. But even though our worlds may be different, the desire to be a mother who obeys God, who struggles, who loves her children deeply is the same. I’m so thankful God put such examples in His Word to encourage us today!

What lessons have you learned from the mothers of the Bible? Is there one woman that stands out to you in particular? Share with me in the comments below!