Taste and See Free Printable Verse

Hi friends!

I always love creating the monthly book club freebies for you! This month we have two printable verses. They are both of Psalm 34:8 to go along with our reading of Margaret Feinberg’s book “Taste and See.”

“Taste and see that the Lord is good” Psalm 34:8

What does this verse mean? Let’s dig into this verse a little more before we get to the printables!

“Taste and see” is an invitation. It asks us to draw nearer. To come to the table. To come closer to God and taste, and experience, His goodness. Matthew Henry says that this tasting and seeing is not just enjoyment but discovery as well. Have you ever seen a beautiful picture of food? Of course you have- anyone with an Instagram will have countless pictures of food on their screen! But seeing a photo and actually tasting the meal are two different things.

A few months ago I was invited to attend my friend’s bachelorette party. The main focus of the weekend long celebration was a fancy dinner. I mean, this was a seven course dinner! It was so fancy and I initially balked at the price. But, since it was a special occasion to celebrate my friend, I went. I’m so glad I did! The food was out of this world amazing! Before each course, the waitress would detail what was in the food, where the ingredients were grown, and told us to taste and enjoy. The food presented to us was beautifully plated but it was so much better than it even looked.

I think of that meal when I read this verse. When we partake of, not just talk about or read about, God’s goodness, we get to truly experience Him. We walk away with true experiential knowledge of who He is.

I couldn’t wait to tell everyone about that wonderful meal because it had been so delicious, so good. That’s how we will feel after we taste and see God’s goodness. We will want to extend that experience to everyone we know. That’s what Margaret’s book is expressing as well – extending the invitation to others and sharing a meal around the table, sharing God with one another.

Click HERE to download
Click HERE to download

I hope you enjoy these printables! Just click on the link below each picture to download! Or you can even screenshot them and use them as wallpaper for your phone!

Have a great week, friends!