Wednesday Hodgepodge – Memorial Day Edition

Can you believe it’s the last week of May? How is it almost JUNE?! We’ve spent a lot of family time together this month and I even got to knock out a hike with my Mom and sister, too so it’s been a good month. Hope you’ve enjoyed your month as well!

Linking up with Joyce at From This Side of the Pond for a Memorial Day edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. These posts have been fun to share a little more about what’s going on in life and get to know people too!

1. We’re approaching Memorial Day Weekend in the US of A…will you mark this in some way? If so tell us how. According to a list found here some things you might do in honor of Memorial Day would be-shop in a Veteran owned business, learn to play a patriotic song, watch the Memorial Day concert, take a virtual tour of the White House, write a letter to a soldier or a soldier’s family, fly a flag, attend a Memorial Day parade, donate flowers for a soldier’s grave, put together a care package for a soldier, and take a moment of silence at 3 PM (the National Moment of Remembrance)….of the ideas mentioned are there any you will try? 

We attended the Palm Springs Air Museum Memorial Flower Drop about two years ago and since they are having it again this year we may do that. It’s a really amazing event. A bomber flies overhead and drops red, white, and blue carnations in honor of those who sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom. The museum is really interesting to walk through and the kids loved all the airplanes. My grandfather was a veteran and I would like to honor him in some way. I like the idea of a moment of silence at 3pm. I didn’t know that was a thing!

2. What’s something recently that made you ‘come to attention’? 

I’ve been working through the Bible study “No Other Gods” by Kelly Minter and it’s truly been eye-opening to me. It’s made me aware of the things that take up space in my heart that shouldn’t be there.

3. In what area of your life do you need to ‘soldier on’? 

A few things come to mind: dealing with the hot summer, my son’s dental appointments, eating well and working out, work situations…

4. As a long weekend approaches and summer draws near, what’s a favorite food from your childhood you think about adding to the menu? 

My aunt used to make Jell-O poke cakes for birthday parties and I always thought they were so unique and delicious. When I saw a recipe for a patriotic version I thought it would be amazing for Memorial Day! Summer also always makes me think of the Otter Pop popsicles we ate outside as kids and, of course, any and all barbeque foods.

5. Your favorite patriotic movie? 

Saving Private Ryan

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

The hike that I went on with my sister and mom reminded me (as hiking often does) that you just keep moving forward. Keep climbing. Sometimes all you can do it put one foot in front of the other. It’s simple but not always easy. I think last year made me feel grounded, kept in place, but now I feel like I’ve been slowly and surely moving forward. Check things off the list, take the time to look around at your blessings, choose joy, keep praying, and keep marching on.

Thanks for reading, friends! Hope the rest of your May is wonderful!

5 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge – Memorial Day Edition

  1. Thanks for joining in the Hodgepodge this week. I used to make a lemon poke cake but haven’t done that in a while. Your answer reminded me though that I like to make a patriotic dessert on the Memorial Day holiday. I’ve never heard of the flower drop, but would love to see it. My dad was a Marine and my son-in-law is in the Army so I try to mark the day in some way every year, at least with flags flying. I like the moment of silence too. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Yes me too on the eating well and exercising. I have a few upcoming dental appointments I’m dreading, actually had one today. Ugghhh. I’ve never had poke cake can you believe it. Lol.

  3. I’m glad you had that hike with your mom and sis. Yes, just keeping putting one foot in front of the other. It doesn’t matter how slowly you walk; just keeping walking. Don’t stop.
    Kelly Minter has some good studies!
    The Palm Springs flower drop sounds great.

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