2020 Review, What’s Saving My Life Right Now & What’s Coming Next

Hello friends!

It’s been awhile (ahem) but what can I say? 2020, amirite?! I know this has been a tough year for everyone: those touched by COVID-19, a “new normal,” and all the craziness of an election season… it’s been hard. Thankfully, my family has remained healthy and I so hope yours has too! Mentally, it’s been a year of a lot of processing, growing, uncovering lies I believed, reevaluating my beliefs, seeking to understand grace and true gratitude, and God’s hand in our lives. It’s been a year, to say the least!

The Quick Review

Quarantine: My husband and I both continued to work on site at our jobs and we just tried to lay low. Only grocery store trips as needed, not taking the kiddos with us, no parks/playgrounds for them, and just staying home for the most part. Our kiddos are not in school yet so we didn’t deal with virtual learning.

Summer camping trip to Sequoia: Our one trip this year and oh my gosh it was crazy! A long drive, my husband getting carsick on the way home, one of the kiddos getting sick the night before we left, a surprise run-in with a total stranger that had me in tears, another kiddo wandering off…it was a doozy! (Sequoia was beautiful though!)


Listening to: I have been listening to some new podcasts and have been loving them! I find that it’s easier to tune out my own thoughts while listening to podcasts than while listening to music (I zone out the music and my thoughts run wild!). So that’s been a huge blessing. Two new favorites I’ve discovered this year are:

  • “Relatable with Allie B. Stuckey– She breaks down politics, news, and cultural ideas with biblical perspective and great insight. She speaks with conviction, intelligence, and ultimately encouragement. As Christians, we can stand firm in our beliefs no matter what the world tells us.
  • “4:13 with Jennifer Rothschild” – This show is so upbeat and practical! I love the encouragement that we “can do all things through Christ” (Philippians 4:13) which is the theme of every show. It’s so practical but at the same time feels like you are sitting down with a friend to chat!

Reading: This year was a good reading year for me (that makes me happy). Here are a few books that I really enjoyed this year:

Struggling: Blogging! It was definitely not a year of blogging. Honestly, I felt like God was giving me words but not sentences. I felt like I was trying to put a puzzle together and He was giving me pieces but not picture to match it with. I’m still sorting it out but it’s been good, in a hard way.

Hoping: That next year is a better year for all of us! That COVID-19 doesn’t rear its ugly head again. That kids can go back to school. That we can feel peace and joy. That we discover a clearer picture of God’s face in the midst of everything.

What’s Saving My Life Right Now

This is a question Jen Hatmaker poses on her podcast and the answer can be as silly or as serious as you want. For me, it’s been lots of coffee, walks outside, conversations with friends, reading, solo drives, podcasts, adjusting expectations, Mom memes, (learning to) adapt, recognizing slow growth is still growth, pop music, Cobra Kai, and slowing down.

What’s Next!

In 2021, I’m excited to bring a monthly focus, book read, and challenge to the blog! Each month there will be one blog post with the theme we’ll be focusing on, a book to read, and a challenge to accomplish. There will be bonuses (like free printables, scripture plans, etc.) and some fun ideas along the way! I really hope you’ll join me. I’ll be posting January’s theme and information soon so you have time to pick up the book before we begin.

How are you?! What got you through this difficult year? What’s saving your life right now? What are you looking forward to in 2021? Leave me a comment and let’s connect! 🙂

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