5 “Must Listen To” Podcasts for Christian Women

What if I told you there was something that could help you, even on your busiest day, to feel encouraged and point you toward Jesus?

You’d definitely want to try it, right?!

Drumroll…the answer is: podcasts!

Podcasts are my new favorite thing! I discovered podcasts last year and have fallen in love. I love that I can put them on in the background while I am doing my work and listen to such meaningful conversations. If you are busy with housework or driving in the car, have a listen! They have seriously been such a lifesaver. Sometimes there are things that we as women are going through that we might not even think to bring up to a friend. These podcasts have reminded me that I am not alone in dealing with these issues and the encouragement and advice has been really profound and solid.

I’m so happy I found this new avenue of encouragement and truth that helps me put my focus on Jesus and gain perspective that I can fit in at any time!

I waded through lots of podcasts and blog posts and recommendations trying to find the ones that spoke to me. Here are the top 5 that I keep coming back to and absolutely love!

“For the Love” with Jen Hatmaker

I started listening to Jen Hatmaker’s “For the Love” podcast and was instantly hooked. I am a fan of her books and was excited that her podcast is just as funny and relatable! There are several seasons that each have a topic such as, “For the Love of Good Change” and “For the Love of TV.” Jen is fun and real and you may laugh and cry in the same episode. She is super encouraging and the advice makes you stop, think, and breathe a sigh of relief.

My Favorite Episode: “For the Love of Faith Icons: Episode 01 with Max Lucado” (Disclaimer: I cried. So, so good.)

“That Sounds Fun” with Annie F. Downs

I love this girl! Annie’s podcast is like listening to a chat between friends. She has an amazing way of pulling deep and real from conversations that still feel fun and fresh. There is a wide variety of topics, from the Enneagram to missionary work, with guests ranging from David Crowder to Tim Tebow.

My Favorite Episode: Episode #68 with Tauren Wells (Y’all know I love Tauren Wells and he is just as good of a speaker as he is a singer. Very challenged and encouraged listening to this episode!)

G0 + Tell Gals with Jess Connolly

I love all things Jess Connolly so I was super excited when she launched her podcast Go + Tell Gals. If you’re a woman who wants to be inspired by others running on mission and on purpose for God, this is definitely a must for you!

My Favorite Episode: Episode 49 with Kate Merrick

“The Happy Hour” with Jamie Ivey

Jamie Ivey’s “The Happy Hour” podcast came highly recommended by other women and it’s no wonder why. With a new episode each week, you’re able to listen in on a fun and inspiring conversation. Show topics are varied (her tagline is “the big things, little things and everything in between”) and cover faith, social issues, grief, books, and more! There are over 200 episodes so you will be sure to find an episode to love 🙂

My Favorite Episode: Episode #239 with Audrey Roloff

“The Simply Joyful Podcast” with Kristi Clover

Recently, I discovered “The Simply Joyful” podcast and was immediately drawn in by Kristi’s energy and enthusiasm. With her contagious laughter and down to earth attitude, she covers marriage, faith, family, and how to bring more joy into life. (Who doesn’t want that?! 😉 )

My Favorite Episode: Episode #34 with Kate Battestelli (my mother’s heart was so encouraged and excited!)

These podcasts have been such encouragement to me and I hope they will be a help and encouragement to you as well!

Do you listen to Christian podcasts? If you’ve been on the podcast bandwagon for awhile now, let me know what your favorites are! Be sure to share in the comments- I am always on the lookout for new ones!