April Focus, Book Club, and Challenge

April’s Focus: Believe

Have you ever found yourself reading a social media post from a Christian author or pastor and thought something about it sounded just a bit “off”? Or have you heard of the deconversion stories of public personas and wondered how they got there? This month we’ll explore a look at progressive Christianity and how to be sure of what we believe.

Progressive Christianity may be a new term to you (it was to me) but you are probably more familiar with it than you think. Your favorite Christian pastors might be preaching this from the pulpit or from their social media accounts. There is a plethora of voices in culture that are preaching this view. If we don’t know what we believe – what the gospel truth is – we can find ourselves falling into these traps of half-truths and false narratives rather than in the truth of the Word of God. We’re finding counterfeit gospels pervading culture and this month seemed like the perfect time to take a good look at what we believe and why.

April’s Challenge: Write your own statement of belief

April’s Book Club: “Another Gospel?” by Alisa Childers

April’s Bonus: Statement of Belief worksheet


This month’s challenge is to write your own statement of faith. What do you believe? A lot of times we might not even realize how our views have slowly changed over time. This exercise is meant to help focus your thoughts and beliefs in the hope that you can stand more firmly on the Word and be able to sift through the half-truths and false gospels. Sometimes we might not be aware of what our beliefs are! Join me on the blog April 19th for some guiding questions and encouragement in writing your statement of faith.

Book Club

Alisa Childers is an apologist, blogger, and YouTube/podcast host. Her book, “Another Gospel?” is part memoir, part deep dive into what the true gospel is. She tells her story of her own church moving from evangelical to progressive Christianity which led her to a “dark night of the soul” situation. When she cried out to God, He led her to apologetics and thus began her journey into rebuilding her faith. That’s a really quick summary!

I’m super excited to read this book and discuss it with you! I think we might all be feeling this creeping in of “another gospel.” We might see it in these social media influencers posts, in some of the social justice movements, or perhaps even in our own church or friend group. It can all seem like truth! I’m excited for us to dive into this book and evaluate for ourselves historical and progressive Christianity. My hope is we will find a more solid belief to stand firm upon and in doing so love our God better.


*No signups or emails required! Just purchase “Another Gospel?” as quickly as possible so you can start reading. It’s available wherever books are sold.

*Join us on the blog for weekly discussion questions posted every Friday. Our first week’s discussion questions will be posted on April 9th. We will be reading 3 chapters each week to finish the book by the end of the month.

*Share your comments so that we can interact with one another! I think this will be an amazing discussion and time of learning for all of us!