Book Club – “The Women of Easter” (Week 3)

Hi friends and Happy Friday! Hope you’ve all had a great week! Today we’re going to discuss Chapters 5 and 6.

Ok, here are this week’s questions:

Chapter 5: O Most Afflicted!

*”What we think we’ll do when our faith is put to the test and what we actually do are often two different things.” Have you seen this to be true in your own life? Where do you have a difficult time mentioning your relationship with Jesus (at work, with friends, social media, etc.)?

*Jesus’ disciples seemed to fail Him during this important and pivotal time. But yet He did not chastise them. How does this make you feel regarding your own relationship with Him? Does this bring comfort to the times that you feel you may have failed Him?

Chapter 6: Thorns Thine Only Crown

*”If we understood His grace in its fullness, we would live like people set free rather than like people trapped in our transgressions.” (pg.137) What does living free look like to you? What hinders you from living in the fullness of His grace?

*It was difficult to note that it was a desire to please the crowd that led Pilate to release Barabbas and condemn Jesus. Is it difficult for you to go against the crowd when it comes to Jesus? Can you see any instances in your own life of agreeing with things that the world approves of that condemn Jesus (i.e. entertainment, political issues, etc.)?

Scriptures of the Week

Psalm 22

Luke 20:1-8; 23:1-43

Prayer for the Week

Father, Thank You for seeing us and loving us. We long to be women who live in the fullness of Your grace, who stand by You even if it’s against the world. We long to please You, not anyone else. Help us to be brave and bold in our relationship with You. Would You help us to live free and unhindered by the cares and sins of this world? Thank You for the cross and for Your forgiveness. We love You and praise You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

One thought on “Book Club – “The Women of Easter” (Week 3)

  1. I’ve found so many profound sentences so far within this book…they’ve got me thinking! 🤔 🤗

    This one really caught my attention:
    “His love for us has not changed, and our need for Him has not diminished.” (Page 96)

    This sentence helps me more honestly answer the first question from Chapter 5. We, as humans, love so conditionally – our love is so fickle because it’s most often based on emotion.
    If, really when, I am put to the test, it frightens me how I will actually respond…I have cowered before when I’ve had the opportunity to share Jesus. I may have generally mentioned Him, but just casually – it’s easy to dip your toes in the water, and if no one pushes you in, you don’t necessarily have to get in the pool.
    A lot of the time sharing with Jesus with family is most difficult. What’s weird is even for family members who say they’re believers, there can be such division that it’s almost more of a struggle!
    When I’m reminded that Jesus doesn’t change – He is always the same – and that He’s not chastising me for my timidity, fear, failure, it helps me try again (but not in my strength) and allow Him to work through me differently next time.

    To me, living free looks like accepting Jesus’ sacrifice without trying to continually seek to completely understand it. Our ways and thoughts aren’t His, and as humans we can get lost in wanting all the answers. We have everything available at our fingertips and if something isn’t instantly downloaded or hard to understand, we so easily give up! That’s why faith is so hard and yet so amazing. 😊

    I don’t understand His grace but I don’t want to be trapped in not understanding it either.

    It’s a constant battle to not always side with the world – we can be deceived so easily and being unpopular is not fun. I feel like the world approves of everything right now and that sounds great in theory (free for all), but it makes me think it really means it doesn’t stand for anything.

    What, who, do I want to approve of/stand for? Jesus was set apart and yet didn’t shy away from challenging issues….the more I spend time with Him the more I think He’ll help me stand with/for Him and make those tough decisions when they come. I need to daily make that time.

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