Book Club – “That Sounds Fun” (Week Four)

Hey everyone! Hope you’ve had a great week! We’ve come to the end of “That Sounds Fun” – I can’t believe it went by so quickly! I really enjoyed this book and it’s definitely got me thinking about how to incorporate some more fun into my life!

Ok, here are this week’s questions:

Why You Need a Hobby

*What’s something you like to do in your leisure time?

Neighbors Restaurant

*What would make your list if you created one like Laura’s?

Book Club

*“The leisure time disappears or the things we do for pleasure get put on the back burner, then suddenly we blink and a highlight of our every month is out of our lives” (pg. 184). Is there something you used to do that that got put on the backburner…and you miss it? What is it?

Tim’s House

*“Slow hobbies are good hobbies” (pg. 193). Do you agree with this? Why or why not? What in your life helps you slow down to connect with the people around you?


*Annie played the French horn but stopped because of the opinion of another girl. What decisions have you allowed the approval or opinions of others to impact?

Alliance Soccer Complex

*How would you answer Stacey’s question to Annie, “If you could go back and be any age, what would you pick?” And why?

Chase the Fun

*What are you going to do soon that sounds fun to you?

Harvest House Porch

*What spot in your home feels like a haven to you? If you don’t have one, what could you do to create a space that feels that way for you?

Scripture of the Week

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13

Colossians 3:17

Prayer of the Week

Father God, Thank You that we can do things that are fun. That we can slow down and take a breath, connect with people and with You. Thank You for places and people that are havens and that remind us to slow down and smile. Help us to brave enough to make space for slow hobbies, for fun, for falling in love and being an amateur. We are so blessed that You have created us in such a way that we can enjoy life and all that You have created. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

For Next Month

*Check out THIS POST for all the info for August!

One thought on “Book Club – “That Sounds Fun” (Week Four)

  1. Leisure time…what’s that?! 😆 I feel like those words have been buried for some time now in my life and need to be resurfaced.
    Reading, scrapbooking, and playing guitar are things I have loved doing in the past but have often been placed on the back burner. Mostly this is because I have been frustrated that I can’t enjoy these things within the length of time I would like and in the same, calm setting as before [cue real life making an appearance haha 😂].
    Slow hobbies, I think are good because it allows your mind to breathe and makes you appreciate the process of things.
    Not that making coffee is a hobby, or even a slow process, but I find the routine of making coffee in the morning (and more importantly waiting for the coffee to be ready) allows me to try to be patient and actually appreciate time. When I get to connect with friends over coffee, this heightens the appreciation as well as the realization of the importance of slowing down.
    I’m not good at slowing down. I walk fast and am always focused on the next thing I “have” to or indeed need to do. When I was a kid I distinctly remember my dad telling me not to “wish my life away.” Turns out, he was right. 🥰
    Ironically though, I process slowly – probably because I’m so wired up and the wires have gotten tangled!? 😆 I take my time feeling my feelings, and because I feel in a big way, it takes time for me to process. It’s interesting however, that I’ve never really worried about what others thought of me and my choices – and not like “screw them?!” or “what do they know?!” I honestly have not really been concerned about the approval of others. I don’t analyze that much and don’t focus on all the different (sometimes hypothetical 🙃) scenarios that could occur.
    Taking more time to slow down sounds fun. Journaling sounds fun. Writing a letter or card (this is becoming a lost art 🙃) sounds fun. Seeing things with a fresh perspective sounds fun.
    I want to silence the “hurry up and wait” mentality that begs for and so often succeeds in getting my attention. I don’t have it all together…I’m not supposed to. But God does – and relying on Him for all of it sounds fun to me.

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