Halloween as a Ministry Opportunity

There are so many different ideas about whether we as Christians should participate in Halloween at all. We know that Halloween has a background that isn’t something that Christians should endorse; however, we also know we should take every opportunity to let our lights shine. What other day of the year are people coming to knock on your door?!

Whether or not you choose to participate in Halloween by dressing up or going trick-or-treating, it is totally up to you. I am not debating your decisions or judging you at all! But, in the spirit of utilizing Halloween as an opportunity to minister to those we may not normally come into contact with, here are 5 ways to shine your light on October 31st!

Host a Neighborhood Party: Invite people over for pumpkin carving or a Make Your S’mores party. Or make a big pot of chili and and invite them over for a bowl and something to drink. Or get together with a few neighbors and host a larger party with a bounce house, games, etc. Provide a place for the adults to sit and rest for a minute while the kids bounce around. For a pumpkin carving party you can even use the time as an opportunity to share the Pumpkin Gospel. Jen at Being Confident of This has a great article (and free printable!) on the Pumpkin Gospel. Click here to check it out!

Support the local activities: If your neighborhood or church has a Trunk-or-Treat or carnival, by all means join in! You can decorate accordingly (some ideas here) or just offer to help out. It’s an opportunity to interact with those that you may not often get a chance to. You can be that helpful, friendly face everyone wants to see! 🙂

Choose costumes wisely: In our family, we do dress up but we choose not to dress as anything demonic or anything that promotes demonic activity. This year, my son is going to be a pumpkin (the costume is too adorable!). The Happy Home Fairy has some great ideas on what kids can dress up as. She has some great articles on Halloween as well.

Use Trick-or-Treating as an opportunity to share the gospel: Last year we printed a little poem and included it in candy bags to pass out. You could also print stickers with Bible verses on them to put on the candy that you pass out. Oriental Trading has some cute treat bags that would be perfect to use!

Use your home to share the love of Jesus: Decorate with pumpkins and lights only and skip the spooky ghosts. Or simply decorate with a Fall theme (think scarecrows and hay bales) instead of a Halloween one. It will still look festive and fun! Instead of scary Halloween music on in your home, you could play praise and worship music instead. Be friendly to the trick-or-treaters. Try to engage in conversation for a moment. Most importantly is the atmosphere in your home. When people come up to the door will they find chaos and arguing or will they find a family that is having fun and enjoying one another?

What do you think? What are some ways you use Halloween as an opportunity for ministry?

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16