March Focus, Book Club & Challenge

March Focus: Easter

This month we will focus on Easter. I always feel such a responsibility and privilege to prepare my heart for Easter. I’m sure you feel the same way 🙂 Knowing what Easter means stirs a longing to remember what Jesus did…and what that means to us. I truly hope this month helps prepare your heart for the wonder of Easter. If you have already begun a plan for Lent, please still join in! I think you’ll enjoy this month’s book and the storyteller way that the author writes about the Easter story and the encouragement she gives for all of us to be women of Easter.

March Challenge: 1) Create your own worship playlist and spend some time listening to the words of those worship songs. Think on what the cross means to you and write out a prayer thanking God for the cross. 2) Perform a random act of kindness

March Book Club: “The Women of Easter” by Liz Curtis Higgs

March Bonus: Easter playlist and a printable of random acts of kindness

March Challenge

This month we have two challenges! You can do one or both – no pressure! There are two because Easter is a time of renewal and transformation. We encounter Jesus and then we are to go and share His love. So the first challenge is to create your own Easter worship playlist and spend some time meditating on the cross and what it means, even spending some time writing a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the cross. Then, perform a random act of kindness for someone! Check out the blog on March 8th for a free printable RAOK (Random Act of Kindness) list and some worship song suggestions for your playlist.

March Book Club

This month we are focusing on the Easter story as told by Liz Curtis Higgs from the viewpoints of the three Mary’s: Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene in “The Women of Easter.” Liz uses a storyteller’s view of the Easter story through each Mary’s personal encounters with Jesus. It is such a beautiful and deep way of viewing the Easter story. I think you will really be moved by both the biblical study and the personal stories that the author weaves throughout this book.


*No signups, just come back to the blog in March to join in!

*Purchase your copy of “The Women of Easter” by Liz Curtis Higgs as soon as you can. It is currently on sale for $3.99 at! This copy actually includes a few extras like journaling pages 😉

*Share what you’re learning in the comments! I post discussion questions every Friday and we are reading 2 chapters each week. Or feel free to read at your own pace 🙂