New Beginnings: A Prayer for the New Year

We’ve just celebrated the birth of Christ- our Immanuel “God with Us”- and now a new year is almost here. A new beginning is always full of so much promise and excitement. I am definitely ready for a fresh start and am so thankful that God isn’t just with us at Christmas but is our Immanuel every day of the year.

As we inch forward toward a new beginning, I’ve begun to look back on this past year. A new baby, moves, work changes, and the chaos from having two kiddos makes this year feel like it’s been a crazy one! I’m looking forward at changes to be made and more acceptance of God’s peace and newness in my life.

I don’t know what your year was like but as we enter 2019, let’s take a look at what God’s Word says about the newness He gives.

God gives new hearts Ezekiel 36:26

I pray this prayer often: “God, replace my stony heart with a new heart that comes from you.” Sometimes life just makes us hard. We get resentful. We get discouraged. We become unteachable. If you feel your heart turning stony, turn to God. He can bring newness into your heart.

God makes new creations 2 Corinthians 5:17

New Years is always about the whole ‘new year, new me’ mantra. With God we really are new people! It doesn’t depend on whether we diet, keep all our resolutions, drink more water or whatever it might be that we try to do to become better versions of ourselves. It’s God in us that makes us new.

God gives new strength Isaiah 40:31

Did this year wear you out? I feel ya, sister! As we enter this new year, let’s wait upon the Lord and experience that renewed strength. Let’s tap into the strength that He gives which is His very self.

God gives new mercies everyday Lamentations 3:22-23

Isn’t that such great news?! Even on the Mondayest Monday of the year, on your very worst day, after meltdowns and breakdowns, deep regret or heartache His mercy is new every morning. That’s 365 days of fresh mercy for you. Wow. If you’d like a reminder of this, print a copy of this verse HERE and place it where you’ll see it daily!

What new thing are you anticipating in 2019? God wants to give us new hearts, new lives, new strength and new mercies. Let’s claim those promises over our lives! Let’s pray that we can step into this new year in the newness our Immanuel brings, knowing He is with us everyday.

Father God,

Thank You for the next year ahead. Thank You for Your faithfulness in this past year. You’ve been with us every single day and You will continue to be with us in the days ahead. Help us to experience the newness that You bring. Help us to leave behind disappointments, frustrations, and everything that entangles us. We ask that You would help us to press on and move forward into all that You have for us. We desire to be people who serve You and live for You. When we make mistakes help us to come to You for forgiveness and restoration and experience Your mercy. Thank You for being with us and for Your promises which are true. Help us to have a new start in our hearts and minds and to seek You each and every day.

In Jesus’ Name,
