Share Four Somethings – October

Hi friends! I can’t believe it is already time for an October recap post with Heather! Heather hosts a monthly link-up where we share four somethings from our month: something loved, something read/said, something treasured, and something ahead. It’s a fun way to recap and always gives me this sense of gratitude about the month as I think through all the lovely things that have actually happened. So, here we go:

Something Loved

I’ve loved the cooler temperatures this month, decorating our house for Fall, spending extra time with the kiddos and also spending a little bit of coffeeshop time by myself, too. It had been so long since I got to actually sit in the coffeeshop with my coffee and journal or read. The introvert me loves this kind of solitude and “me time”!

Something Read/Said

I listened to a few Levi Lusko sermons this month and one thing he said that really stuck out to me was: “There is only one hero in the gospel and it’s not you.” Whoa! I struggle with trying to add more of myself to fix problems instead of relying on God. I’m not sure if it’s a control issue, or a lack of faith, but I constantly feel like I’m not doing something right or giving my all.

I also just discovered the “Don’t Mom Alone” podcast and the episode with Jamie Ivey “Truth for When You Feel Like a Bad Mom” was sooo good! I’d definitely recommend listening to this episode if you struggle with feeling like a bad mom. Sometimes we just need some encouragement and a reminder that we’re a good mom!

Something Treasured

So much fun with the kiddos this month! We visited the pumpkin patch earlier this month and had a blast picking a pumpkin, going on the bounce houses, playing carnival games, riding the train and hay wagon, and going through the haunted house. It was such a beautiful day out- the weather was sunny but not too warm with a little breeze that kept us cool. This time I made sure not to fool myself into believing it would suddenly be 60 degrees out just because we were going to the pumpkin patch and dressed in shorts (instead of the boots and long sleeves!)

This past weekend my sister came along with us to Legoland and it was so much fun! We had wanted to take the kids during the summer but it just hadn’t worked out. But this way we got to participate in their Brick or Treat celebration and the kids loved wearing their costumes in the park and seeing all the spooky fun decorations. They played with Legos to their hearts content, rode a few rides, trick or treated in the park, and got their drivers license at the Lego driving school.

Something Ahead

*More Halloween fun to round out the month

*Reading “Taste and See” by Margaret Feinberg in book club

*A visit to see Thomas the Train

*Celebrating lots of birthdays in November and of course, Thanksgiving!

Thanks for reading, friends! Have a safe and happy Halloween and a great November! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Share Four Somethings – October

  1. October is always a great month….especially with kiddos! Your photos brought back lots of great memories for me. I need to take my (old) self to a pumpkin patch:)

  2. I am a fan of Levi Lusko and also listen to the Don’t Mom Alone Podcast. October is such a fun month for families and gald y’all enjoyed it!

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