Wednesday Hodgepodge – A Perfect Spring

Happy Wednesday, friends! Hope you’re having a great week so far. I’m linking up with Joyce at “From The Other Side of the Pond” for this fun linkup of weekly questions.

1. It’s like my mama always said, “__________________________________.” 

“There will always be someone better off than you and someone worse off than you.” She meant to know my place in the world, not to get too prideful and not to forget that there are others who need help. It sounds a little harsh as I type it out lol but it’s been a great reminder when I feel down on myself and when I feel a little full of myself!

2. May 11th is National Eat What You Want Day. What will you be having by way of celebration? 

I didn’t know this until today so anything celebratory. We did have bowtie noodles. My son loves this bowtie pasta and we were busy all afternoon so this was a quick meal that made the kids happy. So that was a win!

3. Describe your idea of a perfect spring day.

My perfect Spring day would be sunshine with a slight breeze making it cool enough to be outside comfortably. Doors and windows open, kids playing in the yard while I watch and we laugh. Or maybe spending the day at the zoo or exploring a new place, somewhere we could walk outdoors, then stop for a cool drink (iced coffee for me and smoothies for the kiddos).

4. Success, fulfillment, growth, achievement…pick one and tell us how it relates to your life in some way, either currently or in days gone by. 

Growth. My prayer has been for growth and that has seriously been my situation – rain and storms. But I feel like the growth is happening and in the midst of all the rain there has been a deeper faith growing and I can see the green pushing through the soil. I’m so thankful that no matter what happens in life, we can continue to change and grow and not be stuck.

5. I saw this going around on various social media sites and thought it would be fun to answer here. The last thing you bought on Amazon is your weapon in battle. How will you wield it?  (if you’re not an Amazon shopper, then the last thing you bought online anywhere)

I saw this going around too! The last thing I bought was a 12 pack of C4 – a preworkout drink my husband likes. I guess I could throw a can at someone if I really needed to!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Thinking about turning 40 next month and what the next decade will bring. Last year I really struggled with the all the questions one might have about where life is going, the decisions made that led to the path you’re on… but I feel more hopeful and excited for the future, what growth has occurred in my life and more faith in God’s presence with me as I go through each day. Learning to focus on Him and not my circumstances and to find happiness from within as I lean into life.

Thanks for reading friends! Have a great rest of the week!

4 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge – A Perfect Spring

  1. You said that you could throw a can – that would work! A friend of mine was shopping (years ago) and was on the way to her car. A man ran up and snatched her purse. She literally reached in the grocery bag and grabbed a can of peaches and flung the can at his head and he dropped to the pavement – true story!!

  2. Love your answers, your spring day sounds amazing. My girls are grown, but we had a nice spring day yesterday and my grandson was over so we played outside. Maybe the pre workout drink will give you super human strength…lol. It seems like growth has been a lot of peoples choices to the question.

  3. Yes, just throw something at them and start screaming!
    I love your saying at the bottom about growing and it rains. Well, ‘love’ means I agree. But no one enjoys being in a rainstorm, just the lush growth because of the rain.

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