October Focus, Book Club, and Challenge

October Focus: Fear and Courage

This month we are focusing on fear and courage. We have all been in a state of fear for almost two years now – a pandemic, politics, and a world that seems so very different from what we once knew has left us all feeling fearful. We’ve all been told to have faith over fear and can probably sing a few lyrics about how fear is liar, but what if fear is actually the answer? Not fear of what we see around us, but a holy fear of the Lord. This month we are going to challenge our ideas about fear and courage and discuss what it looks like to truly fear the Lord by diving into His truth. And it is He who gives us true courage to choose to walk bravely through our lives.

October Book: “I Choose Brave: Choosing Holy Courage and Embracing Godly Fear” by Katie Westenberg

October Challenge: Do one brave thing.

October Bonus: Printable scripture on courage.

October Challenge:

This month’s challenge is to do one brave thing. It doesn’t mean you have to sign up to become a missionary (unless that’s what God’s calling you to do!) but maybe there’s a doctor appointment you’ve been putting off making. Call and schedule it. Is there a hard conversation you need to have? Have the conversation. Is there a decision you need to make and have been putting it on the back burner again and again? Make the decision. Or maybe you’ve been afraid to speak up for what you believe in- who can blame you in these crazy times?! This month can be the month you decide to choose to say what is true. Whatever it is that you’ve been too afraid to do, pray about it and do it. This can be a really big deal if we truly decide to do one brave thing!

October Book Club:

We are reading “I Choose Brave: Choosing Holy Courage and Embracing Godly Fear” by Katie Westenberg. Katie is a blogger and an author, a mother and wife, helping women walk bravely into the calling God has for them. In this book, Katie digs into scripture and uses her own story to share how the fear of God is the way to find courage. How can the same Bible tell us to “fear not” and also to “Fear God”? Katie unravels this question and guides us to choosing and accessing courage. I’m a person who lives with anxiety and fear so I am excited to read this month’s book and walk alongside you as we discover how to choose brave!


*Purchase your copy of “I Choose Brave” by Katie Westenberg so you can start reading. This month’s reading schedule will be:

  • Week 1: Introduction, Chapters1-4
  • Week 2: Chapters 5-9
  • Week 3: Chapters 10-14
  • Week 4: Chapters 15-19, Afterword

* Discussion questions will begin on Friday, October 8th with the first week’s questions being posted here on the blog.

*Comment and share so that we can learn from one another!

Hope you’ll join in!