Thankfulness Challenge

Happy November, friends! It’s officially the month of giving thanks and since that is something I have been struggling with recently, I decided to put together a little Thankfulness Challenge!

Honestly, I can’t quite pinpoint why I’ve been struggling with gratitude. All I know is that without feeling gratitude, life is too difficult. I don’t want to spend another minute lacking thankfulness for this one and precious life that God has given me. I’m ready for a change! We know that giving thanks is more than just a cute idea or a nice sentiment. It is a life changing spiritual discipline. As we turn our focus on Jesus, and grow our gratitude, our lives can literally change!

I’m so glad this is a discipline we can actually learn. That’s what Paul tells us in Philippians:

“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty of in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13 NIV

So, friend, are you with me?!

Let’s get started!

What to expect during this challenge?

10 devotions with a verse of the day, short devotional, and daily challenge. It’s my prayer that each one brings you to Scripture, to the heart of God, and to the beginning of thankfulness. It’s a learning process and we are all learning together!

Other bonus items included:

  • A praise and worship playlist specifically geared towards lifting your heart in thankfulness
  • Additional scriptures to continue your study
  • A Gratitude worksheet and gratitude prompts to continue your thankfulness journey

No signups needed! Just download the worksheets HERE and go at your pace!

This month lets focus on Jesus, looking to begin the life changing process of seeing our lives through the lens of thankfulness.

Hope you will join in – let me know if you are joining in the comments!

Have a very happy Thanksgiving, friends!

**Don’t forget to grab your FREE Thankfulness Challenge here!!!***